Journey to the Center of the Universe

Figure 1. Solemn Session commemorating the 185th anniversary of the death of the Liberator, in the Bolivar Room, at Bolívar Palace, Casco Antiguo of Panama. Source: Bolivarian Society of Panama (2015)

Figure 1. Solemn Session commemorating the 185th anniversary of the death of the Liberator, in the Bolivar Room, at Bolívar Palace, Casco Antiguo of Panama. Source: Bolivarian Society of Panama (2015)


Conferencia ante la Sociedad Bolivariana de Panamá en la Sesión Solemne en conmemoración del 185º aniversario del fallecimiento del Libertador

Katti Osorio Ugarte, Ph.D.[*]

Abstract: El centésimo octogésimo quinto aniversario del fallecimiento de Simón Bolívar El Libertador es ocasión propicia para celebrar su vida y su obra, donde Panamá ocupó un lugar muy especial en sus planes de organización y alianza de las naciones liberadas, en una confederación. Por su importancia para el mundo, el Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá ha sido reconocido por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas como su predecesor, y el Salón Bolívar forma parte del patrimonio mundial ante UNESCO desde 1997.

Temas: Muerte de El Libertador en 1830 – Epistolario de Bolívar – Congresos de naciones y reconocimiento de la ONU al Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá como su predecesor – Importancia de Panamá para Bolívar – Patrimonio mundial – Importancia y relevancia presente y futura del Salón Bolívar.


Señor Presidente de la Sociedad Bolivariana

Señores Embajadores

Damas y Caballeros:


Me siento profundamente honrada de compartir con ustedes esta augusta sala, en el aniversario solemne del fallecimiento de aquel que en vida fue Simón Bolívar, El Libertador. Simón Bolívar falleció un día como hoy, on the 17 December 1830 a la una de la tarde, en la Quinta San Pedro Alejandrino, en Santa Marta, territorio colombiano. Han transcurrido ciento ochenta y cinco años desde su partida de este mundo, that, aunque conmemoramos con gran pesar, también es ocasión propicia para celebrar su extraordinario paso por el Continente, y su viaje incorpóreo al centro del universo de sus ideales de unión para América Liberada: este santuario donde hoy nos hemos reunido. Me refiero al Salón del Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá, también llamado El Salón Bolívar, que el mundo reunido en la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura reconoce como parte del patrimonio mundial inscrito bajo la Convención sobre la protección del Patrimonio Mundial Cultural y Natural desde 1997.

Simón Bolívar fue un hombre extraordinario, que en sus años mozos encontró su destino en este mundo y se lanzó sin vacilaciones a realizarlo. Durante sus 47 años de vida, soñó y proyectó una América libre del yugo del colonialismo, y con un extraordinario empuje de su voluntad, llevó ese proyecto a la práctica. Al cabo de este esfuerzo extraordinario, donde se sucedieron excelsos triunfos y profundas desilusiones, marchó El Libertador a su último retiro en Santa Marta con el profundo dolor de tener que contemplar de lejos cómo se desmoronaba su magnífico proyecto.

No podemos hablar de derrota, porque los ideales de Bolívar no fueron derrotados; persisten en esta habitación, en este Salón del Congreso Anfictiónico donde se firmaron las Actas precursoras, y que es monumento histórico y testimonio del pasado panameño; los ideales de Bolívar persisten en la organización de los estados nacionales, y en las esperanzas de paz y diálogo del mundo unido en multiplicidad de congresos. En Panamá señaló Bolívar en su epistolario al Centro del Universo, y a él nos ha convocado a todos.

In his famous Letter from Jamaica (as translated by Lewis Betrand in, Selected Writings from Bolivar. New York: The Colonial Press, 1951), of 6 th of September, 1815, El Libertador se refirió a Panamá tres veces bajo su visión ideal para el Istmo Centroamericano; aún considerando sombríamente que cualquier unión de las naciones americanas sólo podría prosperar bajo los cuidados de gobiernos paternales, que no formando una gran república ni una monarquía universal, señaló por posible capital de ese gobierno paternal a México primero y luego a Panamá, saying:

“La metrópoli por ejemplo, sería Méjico, que es la única que puede serlo por su poder intrínseco, sin el cual no hay metrópoli. Supongamos que fuese el Istmo de Panamá, the most central point for all of this vast continent, ¿no continuarían éstos en la languidez y aún en el desorden actual? Para que un solo gobierno dé vida, anime, ponga en acción todos los resortes de la prosperidad pública, corrija, ilustre y perfeccione al Nuevo Mundo, sería necesario que tuviese las facultades de un Dios, y cuando menos, las luces y virtudes de todos los hombres.”

Luego, penetrando el horizonte, visionary, recurre nuevamente a Panamá, y dice:

“Los Estados del Istmo de Panamá hasta Guatemala formarán quizá una asociación. Because of their magnificent position between two mighty oceans, they may in time become the emporium of the world, Their canals will shorten distances throughout the world, strengthen commercial ties between Europe, America and Asia; and bring to that happy area tribute of the four quarters of the globe. ¡Acaso sólo allí podrá fijarse algún día la capital de la tierra, como pretendió Constantino que fuese Bizancio la del antiguo hemisferio!”

Pese a su reserva inicial, Bolívar vuelve a ese sueño unificador y justifica la necesidad de un Congreso, saying:

“Es una idea grandiosa pretender formar de todo el Mundo Nuevo una sola nación con un solo vínculo que ligue sus partes entre sí y con el todo. Ya que tiene un origen, una lengua, unas costumbres y una religión, debería, por consiguiente, tener un solo gobierno que confederarse los diferentes estados que hayan de formarse; mas no es posible, porque climas remotos, situaciones diversas, intereses opuestos, caracteres desemejantes, dividen a la América. How beautiful it would be if the Isthmus of Panama could be for us what the Isthmus of Corinth was for the Greeks! Would to God that someday we may have the good fortune to convene there an august assembly of representatives of republics, kingdoms and empires to deliberate upon the high interests of peace and war, con las naciones de las otras tres partes del mundo. Esta especie de corporación podrá tener lugar en alguna época dichosa de nuestra regeneración; otra esperanza es infundada…”

Transcurrieron seis años; las luchas libertarias rendían fruto en el territorio americano, y tardíamente el 28 of November, 1821, Panamá declaró su Independencia de España. La noticia llegó a Bolívar, y éste se apresuró a escribir una carta al entonces Coronel José de Fábrega, Gobernador Comandante General de la Provincia de Panamá, fechada el 1º de febrero de 1822 en el Cuartel de Popayán en ocasión del loable suceso. Les leeré unas líneas:

“Señor Coronel:

Yet without having had the satisfaction of receiving the dispatch that. you. have been kind enough to address to me, I hasten to congratulate the distinguished province that. you. have the glory of presiding over. No me es posible expresar el sentimiento de gozo y admiración que he experimentado al saber que Panamá, the center of the universe, is regenerated by her own volition, and free by her own virtue. The Act of Independence of Panama, is the most glorious monument that any American province may offer to History. Everything is consulted there, in regards to justice, generosity, politics and general interest.

Do convey on my behalf. you. to those meritorious Colombians, the tribute of my enthusiasm for their pure patriotism and true generosity. Without delay, a part of the army of Colombia, under the command of Colonel Carreño, debe haber asegurado ya la suerte de ese precioso emporio del comercio y de las relaciones del mundo.”

¡En cuánta estima tenía Bolívar a este lugar entre dos mares! Su misiva a Fábrega termina así:

“Repito a V. you. expression of sincere gratitude, con que he aceptado en nombre de Colombia los servicios que V. you. and that generous people have done to thus complete, the scope that Providence and Nature had designed to our mighty republic. May God keep you. you. long and many years.


To Bolivar, Panamá era definitivamente, el Centro del Universo, hacia el cual gravitaba su gran esfuerzo unificador en un Congreso de naciones a pie de igualdad soberana. To Bolivar, probablemente Panamá era el centro de un universo geopolítico de grandes redes logísticas y de comunicaciones. In 1824, como Presidente de Colombia y Jefe Supremo del Perú, Bolívar retoma la pluma para cristalizar ese Congreso, lanzando el alegre desafío de reunión: La Carta Circular expedida el 7 December 1824, dos días antes de la Batalla de Ayacucho, convocando a las naciones a este lugar donde hoy nos hemos reunido. Fueron convocados: las Repúblicas de Colombia, América Central, México, las Provincias Unidas de Buenos Aires, Chile y Brasil. Los Estados Unidos de América fueron invitados por el General Santander como Vicepresidente en ejercicio del gobierno colombiano. La República de Colombia estaba integrada por las actuales Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador y Panamá; la República de América Central lo estaba por Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua y Costa Rica. (Castillero, 1995: 41)

“Parece que si el mundo hubiese de elegir su capital, Let us assume it were to be the Isthmus of Panama, sería señalado para este augusto destino, colocado como está en el centro del globo, viendo por una parte el Asia, y por otra el África y la Europa. El Istmo de Panamá, ha sido ofrecido por el Gobierno de Colombia para este fin en los tratados existentes… El día que nuestros plenipotenciarios hagan el canje de sus poderes, se fijará en la historia diplomática de América una época inmortal. Cuando, después de cien siglos, la posteridad busque el origen de nuestro derecho público, y recuerden los pactos que consolidaron su destino, registrará con respeto los protocolos del Istmo; en él encontrará el plan de las primeras alianzas, que trazará la marcha de nuestras relaciones con el universo. ¿Qué será entonces el Istmo de Corinto con el de Panamá?” (Bolívar, Carta Circular, 1824)

¡Panamá querida! Las condiciones de nuestra ciudad capital no eran las mejores. Una rápida mirada a dos referencias cartográficas puede mostrarnos el Panamá del Congreso Anfictiónico de 1826: el mapa de Panamá trazado por Vicente Talledo y Rivera en 1814, and the map of Panama in 1850 de Tiedemann. Both maps show the city in ruins, with more than 30% of its occupation area marked as uncultivated land, in ruins, or covered with bushes 1850, in better off conditions than in 1814. Panama City was far from being an affluent city in 1826, the city was under a slow economic period and had a less than attractive appearance. Nonetheless, Simón Bolívar El Libertador was convinced about the geopolitical importance of the geographic position of the Isthmus of Panama, as shown in his Letter from Jamaica 1815, and his letter to General José de Fábrega in 1822, pero según nos informa Ernesto Castillero (1995), en el año de 1822, informado de la insalubridad de este lugar que nunca vio con sus propios ojos, Bolívar quiso cambiar la sede a Quito, pero era tarde para el cambio. La Sala Capitular del Convento de San Francisco fue seleccionada por el gobierno departamental para acoger las sesiones del Congreso Anfictiónico. La habitación identificada como aquella Sala Capitular del convento de San Francisco, fue restaurada en la década de 2000, y aquí nos encontramos nosotros. This is the space that housed the idea; su presencia con todas sus asociaciones ideológicas e interpretación de su entorno a escala mundial dan solidez a su valor universal excepcional, como patrimonio mundial desde 1997.

El Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá en 1826 was a milestone in world history and it is precursor of current leagues of nations such as the United Nations, and the Organization of American States. This would not have come to happen if El Libertador had not been fully convinced of the importance of Panama as a communications hub, with great potential for locating a canal, and to become a commercial emporium accessible throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia; en fin, el Centro de ese Universo por él proyectado.

Ojalá los planes que proyectamos en perfección sobre el papel se tradujeran íntegros al éxito en la realidad; pero muchas veces múltiples factores inesperados contribuyen al descalabro de la maquinaria más minuciosamente diseñada. El Congreso Anfictiónico, en ausencia de Bolívar a su pesar, no llegó a ser todo lo que esperaba El Libertador al punto de exclamar éste:

“El Congreso de Panamá, institución admirable si fuese efectiva, no es otra cosa que el griego loco que creía poder dirigir a los barcos en el mar, desde una roca de la costa.” (Castillero, 1995: 168)

Finalizado el Congreso Anfictiónico, se dispuso en reunión del 15 July 1826 continuar las sesiones en la Villa de Tacubaya en México; pero debido a múltiples razones, fue imposible deliberar allí, con lo que en Tacubaya acabó el Congreso, declarado disuelto el 17 December 1827. (Castillero, 1995: 170).

La Sociedad Bolivariana, especialmente la Sociedad Bolivariana de Panamá y como es del conocimiento de ustedes, se remonta al año de 1926, con el Congreso Panamericano que conmemoró el primer centenario del Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá. El acta de fundación de la Sociedad Bolivariana de Panamá fue fechada el 20 July 1929, y desde entonces es su misión, “venerar sin tregua la memoria del Libertador”. (MIRE, 2015)

In the twentieth century, dos guerras mundiales asolaron el mundo con su carga de intolerancia, odio y muerte. Tras el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en 1945, el mundo inició el camino hacia la creación de un Congreso como lo había soñado Bolívar más de un siglo antes, con la implementación de la Constitución de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) en octubre de ese mismo año (UN 2012), con Panamá como uno de sus estados miembro. Dando otro paso hacia el progreso de la paz, on the 16 of November, 1945 fue creada la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), cuya misión principal plasmada en su constitución dice lo siguiente:

“Contribuir a la paz y a la seguridad estrechando, mediante la educación, la ciencia y la cultura, la colaboración entre las naciones, a fin de asegurar el respeto universal a la justicia, a la ley, a los derechos humanos y a las libertades fundamentales que sin distinción de raza, sexo, idioma o religión, la Carta de las Naciones Unidas reconoce a todos los pueblos del mundo” (UNESCO, 2010).

In 1948, la ONU adoptó la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, la cual reconoce la condición de igualdad de todos los seres humanos sin distinción desde su nacimiento. Estos esfuerzos por dejar atrás los horrores de la guerra y la discriminación, sentaron una base sobre la cual construir paz basada en el supuesto que todos los hombres y mujeres en su condición de igualdad, tienen iguales deberes y derechos como ciudadanos del mundo, y que ninguna cultura es superior a otra. Aquí podemos reconocer otro de los ideales de Bolívar, plasmado en la Carta de Jamaica en 1815, que coincide con esta feliz labor: Crear “un augusto Congreso de los representantes de las repúblicas, kingdoms and empires to deliberate upon the high interests of peace and war, con las naciones de las otras tres partes del mundo”, en pie de igualdad y soberana dignidad. ¡Ojalá hubiese sido creado en Panamá, como Bolívar soñó! Pero hay más. (Castillero, 1995: 29) (Osorio, 2012: 3-4)

La Tercera Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar publicó en el Anexo III de su Acta Final el texto del Homenaje al Libertador Simón Bolívar, donde le tributó públicamente admiración y respeto en el aniversario de su nacimiento el 24 July 1974, reconociendo en él al “visionario precursor de la organización nacional, cuya figura histórica tiene caracteres de universalidad”, y que su obra “basada en los conceptos de libertad y justicia como fundamentos de la paz y el progreso de los pueblos, ha dejado huella indeleble en la historia y constituye fuente de permanente inspiración”. (ONU, 1982: 224).

In 1976, ese congreso llamado la Organización de las Naciones Unidas se reunió nuevamente para reconocer en Simón Bolívar a su precursor y al Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá como su antecesor. Durante su Trigésimo Primer periodo de sesiones, la Asamblea General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas convocó su Tricentésimo Tercera Sesión Plenaria conmemorativa especial el 17 December 1976, para rendir homenaje al Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá. En dicha sesión, se aprobó la Resolución 31/142 Sesquicentenario del Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá, la cual dice textualmente:

La Asamblea General,

Habiendo decidido celebrar una sesión plenaria conmemorativa especial para rendir homenaje al Libertador Simón Bolívar con ocasión del sesquicentenario del Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá, que se reunió el 22 June 1826;

Considerando que el objetivo primordial de dicho Congreso fue el de constituir una asamblea de países confederados a fin de que sentara las bases jurídicas para las relaciones entre las repúblicas americanas con todas las naciones del mundo, así como para servir de Consejo en los grandes conflictos, de punto de contacto en los peligros comunes, de fiel intérprete en los tratados públicos cuando ocurran dificultades y de conciliador, en fin, de nuestras diferencias, conceptos que son fundamento del derecho internacional de los países americanos y constituyen por tanto, un directo antecedente del Pacto de la Sociedad de las Naciones y de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas;

Teniendo presente que Bolívar concebía una región latinoamericana de países libres y fraternos unidos por ideales comunes, sueño que lo señala como el precursor de la integración de esta región;

Reconociendo que el Tratado de Unión, Liga y Confederación Perpetua, firmado en Panamá el 15 July 1826, trasunta un espíritu universalista, encarnado actualmente en las Naciones Unidas, al reiterar la soberanía e independencia de los Estados y el propósito de asegurarse, desde ahora para siempre, los goces de una paz inalterable, y promover, al efecto, la mejor armonía y buena inteligencia, así entre sus pueblos, ciudadanos y súbditos, respectively, como con las demás potencias con quienes deben mantener o entrar en relaciones amistosas;

Recordando que Simón Bolívar, en varias ocasiones, se refirió a la necesidad de una posible apertura de un canal en Panamá, cuyas vías acortarán las distancias del mundo, estrecharán los lazos comerciales de los continentes y promoverán el intercambio de los productos de las cuatro partes del globo;

  1. Rinde homenaje al Libertador Simón Bolívar como promotor de la integración latinoamericana y como forjador de planes constructivos para la organización internacional en escala continental y mundial, y al efecto dispone colocar una placa conmemorativa en un sitio del edificio de la Sede de las Naciones Unidas como tributo permanente a su memoria;
  2. Reconoce que el Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá representa el más relevante y denodado ensayo unionista en el plano internacional del siglo XIX con caracteres ecuménicos, en anticipación y coincidencia con los objetivos del sistema de las Naciones Unidas;
  3. Expresa la esperanza de que los ideales de Bolívar puedan inspirar el establecimiento de un orden internacional más justo de respeto al derecho y dedicado al mantenimiento de la paz, a la preservación de los principios democráticos, a la promoción del progreso económico y social y a la libertad de todos los pueblos;
  4. Formula votos porque lleguen a un feliz resultado las negociaciones destinadas a concertar un nuevo tratado sobre el Canal de Panamá, que elimine las causas de conflicto entre la República de Panamá y los Estados Unidos de América, de acuerdo con la Declaración de Principios suscrita por las partes interesadas el 7 February 1974 en donde se determina que el territorio panameño del cual forma parte el Canal de Panamá será devuelto prontamente a la jurisdicción de la República de Panamá, y que ésta asumirá la total responsabilidad por el Canal Interoceánico a la terminación del nuevo tratado;
  5. Pide al Secretario General que haga circular entre todos los Estados Miembros un documento que reproduzca la convocatoria y los acuerdos del Congreso Anfictiónico de 1826, cuyos textos originales, que se conservan en Río de Janeiro, serán depositados por decisión del Gobierno del Brasil, en el momento oportuno, para que se guarden en el monumento que se erija en aquel país, como parte de la conmemoración bolivariana.

103ª sesión plenaria

17 December 1976 (ONU, 1976).

Indeed, al cabo de los años y después de habérseles dado por perdidas, las Actas originales del Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá resurgieron en el Brasil. De este feliz hallazgo, Ernesto J. Castillero (1995) nos narra en su obra “Bolívar en Panamá – Génesis y realidad del Pacto Americano”, cómo volvieron al Istmo las Actas extraviadas del Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá de 1826. El hallazgo gravita en torno al artículo, “Las Actas Extraviadas del Congreso de Panamá de 1826”, published in 1944 por el Dr. Julio Escudero Guzmán, en aquel entonces Profesor de Derecho Internacional de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile; allí aseguraba haberlas encontrado en el Archivo Histórico del Palacio Itamaraty, en Río de Janeiro. La Cancillería Brasileña las había adquirido de manos de un particular por la suma de 5,000 dólares americanos, aproximadamente, y las hizo experticiar para verificar su autenticidad. La Sociedad Bolivariana de Panamá realizó importantes gestiones para obtener copia fotostática de las Actas, que fueron luego publicadas en el citado libro del historiador Ernesto J. Castillero, a su vez Presidente de la Sociedad Bolivariana en el periodo de 1936 to 1940. Su libro se publicó por primera vez en 1976. Como acabamos de ver, en ese mismo año Brasil se comprometió a suministrar a Panamá las Actas originales para su custodia.

El Salón del Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá ya había sido para aquel entonces, declarado monumento mediante ley de la república; específicamente la Ley No.63 de 6 June 1941, “que patrocina la Sociedad Bolivariana de Panamá”, declaró en su artículo 7 al Salón Bolívar del Colegio La Salle, Monumento Nacional. La Ley No.91 de 22 December 1976 había declarado Conjunto Monumental Histórico al Casco Antiguo de la Ciudad de Panamá, y éste se hallaba en el centro del interés estatal con grandes proyectos de restauración. El colegio La Salle, hoy Palacio Bolívar y sede de la Cancillería, fue rehabilitado para dicha nueva función, y restaurada el ala del Salón Bolívar entre 2001 up to 2004; la reforma del edificio por el arquitecto Álvaro González Clare, y la restauración del Salón Bolívar, a cargo del arquitecto restaurador Raúl Murillo. (Tejeira, 2007: 211)

Desde 1931 con la Carta de Atenas, y especialmente desde el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en 1945, acontecimientos de escala mundial dieron origen a un especial interés por la preservación del patrimonio cultural y natural como un tesoro único que es herencia de todos los seres humanos. Bajo ese interés, surgió la Convención sobre la Protección del Patrimonio Mundial, Cultural y Natural, también conocida como Convención del Patrimonio Mundial, aprobada por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura – UNESCO, in 1972 y ratificada por Panamá en 1978. Su texto íntegro fue introducido a la legislación nacional mediante la Ley No.9 de 27 October 1977. (Osorio, 2012: 3)

La Convención del Patrimonio Mundial reconoce a la humanidad de forma unitaria y universal, aceptando que el patrimonio cultural y natural de cada pueblo pertenece al conjunto de toda la humanidad, y que su deterioro o pérdida por ende afecta negativamente a todos sus herederos; namely, la humanidad entera. La Convención del Patrimonio Mundial introduce el término Valor Universal Excepcional (VIEW), refiriéndose al interés excepcional sobre ciertos bienes patrimoniales irreemplazables. Es decir, parte de ese tesoro colectivo de influencia universal sobre el ser humano y su entorno, en un gran engranaje de lugares y eventos, que es el Patrimonio Mundial. (Osorio, 2012: 4-5)

“Valor Universal Excepcional significa una importancia cultural y/o natural tan extraordinaria que trasciende las fronteras nacionales y cobra importancia para las generaciones presentes y venideras de toda la humanidad. Por lo tanto, la protección permanente de este patrimonio es de capital importancia para el conjunto de la comunidad internacional. El Comité define los criterios de inscripción de los bienes en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial” (WHC, 2008: 16)

In 1997, y gracias al esfuerzo impulsor de la Sociedad Bolivariana de Panamá en las etapas iniciales del interés estatal, Panamá obtuvo la inscripción en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial de la propiedad, “Distrito Histórico de Panamá con el Salón Bolívar (Panamá) (790)”. Thus, este monumento nacional donde hoy nos encontramos, alcanzó el más alto reconocimiento como hito cultural de la historia humana. (UNESCO, 1997)

In 2003, la propiedad se amplió para incluir bajo la misma inscripción al Conjunto Monumental Histórico de Panamá Viejo, y su nombre cambió a, “Sitio Arqueológico de Panamá Viejo y Distrito Histórico de Panamá”, que es el nombre que lleva en la actualidad. (UNESCO, 2003)

Thus, el Salón del Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá, llamado ante el mundo El Salón Bolívar, nos representa más allá de las fronteras nacionales, como parte vital de nuestro patrimonio mundial para memoria y registro de las futuras generaciones de la humanidad. Su relevancia a escala mundial es carta de presentación del país, y las Actas del Congreso Anfictiónico son un tesoro invaluable de nuestra historia común, no solo con el Brasil; no solo común con las naciones que formaron parte del augusto Congreso de Bolívar, sino con el mundo entero, para el cual las custodiamos con celo.

Damas y Caballeros, nos hallamos reunidos hoy en el Centro del Universo, no solo en conmemoración de la partida de El Libertador Simón Bolívar, sino en celebración solemne de su legado inmortal para el conjunto de la Humanidad.


Panamá, 17 December 2015.

Salón Bolívar – Salón del Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá,

at Bolívar Palace, Casco Antiguo de la Ciudad de Panamá, Patrimonio Mundial,

Republic of Panama.


Available in ICOMOS Open Archive:

Osorio, Katti (2015) Viaje al Centro del Universo = Journey to the center of the Universe. In: Solemn Session commemorating the 185th anniversary of the death of the Liberator, 17 December 2015, Panamá, Panama City, Casco Antiguo of Panama, at Bolívar Palace (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Congress Hall Amphictyonic Panama (Salón Bolivar). [Conference or Workshop Item] (Unpublished)

También disponible en

Osorio, Katti (2015). Viaje al Centro del Universo – Conferencia dictada en la Sesión Solemne en conmemoración del 185º aniversario del fallecimiento del Libertador, ante la Sociedad Bolivariana de Panamá en el Salón Bolívar, at Bolívar Palace, Casco Antiguo de la Ciudad de Panamá. Electronic document,, Viewed in December 2015. Panama City, Panamá.

Figure 2. Solemn Session commemorating the 185th anniversary of the death of the Liberator, in the Bolivar Room, at Bolívar Palace, Casco Antiguo of Panama. Source: Bolivarian Society of Panama (2015)

Figure 2. Solemn Session commemorating the 185th anniversary of the death of the Liberator, in the Bolivar Room, at Bolívar Palace, Casco Antiguo of Panama. Source: Bolivarian Society of Panama (2015)




Castillero, Ernesto J. (1995). Bolívar en Panamá – Génesis y realidad del pacto americano; Las Actas extraviadas del Congreso de Bolívar de 1826. Reimpresión de la obra fechada en 1976. Impresora La Nación, National Institute of Culture. Panama City, Panamá.
MIRE (2015). Bolivarian Society of Panama. In, at Bolívar Palace. Electronic document,, Viewed in December 2015.

ONU (1982). Anexo III Homenaje al Libertador Simón Bolívar. In, Acta Final de la Tercera Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar, hecha en Montego Bay el día 10 December 1982. Segundo periodo de sesiones en el Parque Central, Caracas, and Salón 20 de junio al 29 of August, 1974. Electronic document,, Viewed in December 2015.

ONU (1976). Sesquicentenario del Congreso Anfictiónico de Panamá, Resolución 31/142 of 17 December 1976 [Ref. A/RES/31/142]. In, Resoluciones adoptadas por la Asamblea General durante el Trigésimo Primer Periodo de Sesiones. Electronic document,, Viewed in December 2015. Asamblea General: Organización de las Naciones Unidas – ONU. Page 27.

Osorio, Katti (2012). Los Atributos del Valor Universal Excepcional de una propiedad considerada Patrimonio Mundial – El caso del Sitio Arqueológico de Panamá Viejo y Distrito Histórico de Panamá. Canto Rodado, 7 (7). pp. 1-27. ISSN 1818-2917 [Article]
Tejeira Davis, Eduardo (2007). Panamá – Guía de arquitectura y paisaje: An architectural and landscape guide. Panamá: Instituto Panameño de Turismo; Seville: Consejería de Obras Públicas y Transportes.

UNESCO (2010) Constitución de la UNESCO. In, Instrumentos Normativos. Electronic document,, Viewed in December 2015. Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

UNESCO (2003). Decision: 27 COM 8C.40 – Archaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Historic District of Panamá (Panama). Electronic document,, Viewed in December 2015. World Heritage Convention: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). París, Francia.

UNESCO (1997). Decision: CONF 208 VIII.C – Inscription: Historic District of the Town of Panama with the Salon Bolivar (Panama). Electronic document,, Viewed in December 2015. World Heritage Convention: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). París, Francia.

WHC (2008). [1977] Directrices Prácticas para la Aplicación de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial, edición revisada WHC. 08/01, París, UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Documento electrónico disponible en Consultado en noviembre de 2011.


(*) Subdirectora Nacional, Dirección Nacional de Patrimonio Histórico,

National Institute of Culture, Republic of Panama.,


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Basada en una obra en

Sovereignty Day: Anniversary 9 th of January, 1964

LIFE magazine, 24 th of January, 1964

Figure 1. Home iconic LIFE magazine, 24 th of January, 1964. Source: Internet.

Dear Friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

Today is the anniversary of the deed No.51 of 9 th of January, 1954. Thanks to nationalist impulse and civic groups like Citizens Movement initiatives Strengthening Identity Panama(1), on the 9 January was declared “National Sovereignty Day in remembrance of the patriotic deeds January 1964”, through Law No.118 27 December 2013. He is remembered national day of mourning, with the national flag hoisted at half mast.

To learn more about the exploits of patriótical 9 th of January, 1964, You can read the entry titled Panama Heritage, “A Law for the heroic deeds of the 9 January 1964”.

It is very satisfying to note that, Unlike previous anniversaries, this year Panamanian citizens with artists The Kolectivo, They have painted the mural commemorating the feat, on the Avenue of the Martyrs (and Salón 9 January) in Panama City. This time, the National Institute of Culture and the City of Panama have actively contributed to the initiative.

You can read about the note published in La Estrella de Panama, here: Mural 9 January: walls when the history is taken.

I share some photos.

Mural in homage to the martyrs of 9 de enero de 1964. Photos courtesy of Maritza Vernaza. Date: 9 dth of January,2015.

Figure 2. Mural of The Kolectivo in homage to the Martyrs 9 th of January, 1964, Avenue des Martyrs, Panama City. Photos courtesy of Maritza Vernaza. Date: 9 th of January, 2015.

The Director General of the National Institute of Culture from 2014, Ms. Mariana Núñez, participated in the activity of mural painting as a further sign of support for the initiative of the Kolectivo. In Figure 2, from the upper left down: Mariana Núñez and citizens painted the mural in tribute to the fallen 9 th of January, 1964; Mariana Núñez (Gray Tshirt) and the artist Ologwadi (straw hat); Panamanian artist Ologwadi. The two pictures on the right column of Figure 2 correspond to the gigantic mural in the process of being painted by artists and citizens who come to help. The 9 January is a day of national mourning.

Mural in homage to the martyrs of 9 de enero de 1964. Photos courtesy of Maritza Vernaza. Date: 9 dth of January,2015.

Figure 3. Mural of The Kolectivo in homage to the Martyrs 9 th of January, 1964, Avenue des Martyrs, Panama City. Photos courtesy of Maritza Vernaza. Date: 9 th of January, 2015.

In Figure 3, left column from top to bottom, see artists and citizens painting; the Director General of INAC Mariana Núñez giving an interview; artists, mural in progress and goods. In the right column of Figure 3 see two beautiful images of mural, laden with symbolism painful.

Marta Noemi Noriega mural in honor of the Martyrs 9 de enero de 1964, Avenue 12 October, Panama City. Photos courtesy of Maritza Vernaza. Date: 9 de enero deth of January,

Figure 4. Marta Noemi Noriega mural in honor of the Martyrs 9 th of January, 1964, Avenue 12 October, Panama City. Photos courtesy of Maritza Vernaza. Date: 9 th of January, 2015.

In Figure 4 we can see the mural in the process of Panamanian artist Marta Noemi Noriega, on the Avenue 12 October Panama City, accompanied by a group of young people who support it to shape your design in honor of the protagonists of the events commemorating today 9 th of January, 2015.

Solemn Tribute to the Martyrs of 9 de enero de 1964 at the National Institute, Avenue des Martyrs, Panama City. Photos courtesy of Wilhelm Franqueza. Date: 9 de enero de th of January,

Figure 5. Solemn Tribute to the Martyrs of 9 th of January, 1964 at the National Institute, Avenue des Martyrs, Panama City. Photos courtesy of Wilhelm Franqueza. Date: 9 th of January, 2015.

In the meantime, this morning at the National Institute, Generation 1964 commemorated in a ceremony to students in this school and national monument, who gave their health and their lives in the patriotic struggle January 1964. Accompanied in commemorating the Ombudsman and the National Institute of Culture. Images of Figure 5 highlights not only the assistance of these, but the beauty of the Aula Maxima of the campus.

Friends, commemorate this day of national mourning remembering the extraordinary events of January 1964 in the cities of Panama and Colon, and elsewhere in the country; not only as historical facts, but as part of our collective past that is ours and future Panamanian heritage. Remember not to hate or to reproach, but to reflect and lead the country in ways that never returned to a similar situation, and that always kept full and sovereign from sea to sea.


Katti Osorio Ugarte.

Further reading:


(1) The citizens' initiative presented by the Citizens Movement for Strengthening Identity Panamanian National Assembly on 21 October 2013 through Dr.. Ana Elena Porras, member of its leadership, was the origin of the text of the Act No.118 27 December 2013, “Declaring the 9 January each year Day of National Sovereignty, subrogated Law 13 of 1967 and modifies an article of the Labour Code”. The text rests in the National Assembly and the Legislative Procedure 2013-2014, Bill 027, then Bill 669; Title: “Declaring the 9 January each year National Sovereignty Day, subrogated Law 13 of 30 th of January, 1967, and amending Article 46 Labour Code”; Date of submission (of his time as Bill): 21 October 2013; Proponent: Ms. Ana Elena Porras Guizado (ECI); Commission: Education, Culture and Sports.

Statement released on 21 th of January, 2014 by Movement for Strengthening Panamanian Identity

Friends from Panama Equity:

I bring the statement released on 21 th of January, 2014 in La Prensa of Panama, by Movement for Strengthening Panamanian Identity (click here for our Facebook page), in which I belong. It refers to the removal of the chair of History of Relations with the United States Panama, in schools and universities in Panama.


Katti Osorio Ugarte

The Press / 21 th of January, 2014


Faced with the recent statements by President, in the sense that the removal of the chair of History of Panama's relations with the United States is justified, in our schools and universities, because it generates anti-American sentiment, citizens who participate in the Identity Movement Panamanian felt outraged. Thus, we join the clamor for citizens to be reinstated where this subject has been deleted and respected where it still survives, in the context of the school and university curriculum of the Republic of Panama.

The aforementioned public statements of the President of the Republic are regrettable because reveal a conditional identity and overly accommodating to the interests of the U.S.. by our president.

We believe that this subject should be so current and objective, without prejudice or animosity against other nations, but always in defense of decolonization and recovery of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country, as well as historical memory and identity of the Panamanian. Panamanians why we have become U.S. public relations, or any other country in the world, at the expense of our right to keep and update knowledge of the national past, to defend our economic interests, political and cultural, and strengthen our identity and national project.

The decrease in hours of teaching subjects and the history of Panama absorption Relations with the United States Panama, in an overall synthesis, in schools and universities, promotes the loss of historical memory and identity of Panamanian, between youth and adults, besides damaging generational change our historians the consequent contraction of their workplace.

The proposal to eliminate this subject responds to a foreign neoliberal utilitarian guideline to reduce hours of study of national histories in general, with the aim of strengthening technical training and learning natural sciences, detriment of the humanities, intended to meet the needs of the domestic market, global, removing material for the formation of the individual, leading us to significant gaps in the sense of valuing the shared roots, social responsibility, universal and national solidarity among Panamanians. This is aimed to train robots instead of forming citizens.

We argue:
National identities are constructed dynamically and relationally against other identities: Panamanian identity, from 1850, was constructed in relation to conflict and cooperation with U.S. neocolonialism in the Isthmus. For his part, American identity, and particularly Zonian, were the most powerful Republican counterpart Panamanian identity, becoming his "significant other", explained as symbolic anthropology, Spain and Colombia replacing in that role, in earlier periods of our history.

Historical memory is the basis on which builds and renovates national identity. And national identity, bad a state can design a project inclusive, where all Panamanians can recognize and feel represented.

The subject of History of Relations between Panama and the United States is the backbone of the republican history of Panama, including separation from Colombia, The Protectorate, the site of the Canal Zone, as the creation and consolidation of the Republic of Panama, to this day. And not exclude broader and global eyes of our international relations but, conversely, focuses on the context of the new colonialism.

This chair is in effect today, because E.U.A. remain the main customer of the Panama Canal; because Panama has signed a Trade Promotion Agreement with that country with serious consequences of weakening the national agricultural sector; because the issue of combating drug trafficking has generated an international agreement that allows the construction of naval bases and requires considerable investment budget of Panama, without apparent success results; because we are also the subject of espionage by the U.S.; and the clause De Conccini, in the Torrijos-Carter Treaty, compromising the sovereignty of the nation state. These are some of the most important bilateral issues with the leading world power in this.

Social needs, current trade policies and our country require consolidating the sovereignty of the Panamanian State, design a national long-term project, whose foreign policy more proactive and diversified so far, based on the experience of the bilateral relationship with the U.S.. to redefine it in terms decolonization among nations.

Reinstating the chair of History of Relations between Panama and the United States, the legal mandate and the necessary budget to upgrade the course and their texts; training its teachers with more comprehensive and scientific approaches that have been taken so far and the implementation of educational technologies.

The subject's use of bilateral relations with the U.S.. to rethink Panama options inside and outside of this binomial, overcoming narrow approaches to geopolitics Panama through history. From domestic criticism of U.S. relations with Panama, we can contemplate the choices we face in the present to diversify and expand our international policy and what this means to develop our regional integration best alternatives.

Liberate the study merely curricular vision of history: pedagogy adopt a mobilizing to educate ethics; overcome the description of historical facts and making visible the lived route live, by the Panamanian nation, to achieve the sovereignty of the National Government, democratic and popular, so that youth recognize their right to democratic participation and responsibility in building this goal.

Last, reiterate our call on the urgent need for Panamanians recover our historical memory and strengthen national identity. We express our Movement rejects any chauvinistic discourse on ethnic supremacy and, conversely, adopt the discourse of decolonization and cultural diversity of Panama, in tune with our Latin American and Caribbean environment, that should prompt us to build a free society, sustainable, intercultural fair and walk together to the XXI century.

Coordinators of this Notice:
Ana Elena Porras, Ricardo Rios Torres, Eduardo Flores Castro

Given in Panama, Republic of Panama, on the 18 th of January, 2014

First Session of, Let's Talk About Heritage 2014, “Heritage and Memory: 9 January 1964”

Dear friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

Part Talk Heritage Days Committee, I extend the invitation to the First Day of the Year Heritage Talk 2014, “Heritage and Memory: 9 January 1964”. You are cordially invited!

Dear Friends:

Happy and happy year for you all, Part of this Let's talk about your Heritage Days Committee!

Always grateful for your interest in this effort for heritage and culture in Panama, we begin let's talk about Heritage Days in 2014 with our First Day, “Heritage and Memory: 9 January 1964”. So with great excitement, we become partakers of the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the patriotic deeds of 9 January, with all of you.

The objective of this first day is a dialogue on the profound action of memory in shaping our country heritage. In this special case, we have the introduction to the topic through their direct experiences in events 1964 Cesar Villarreal. They continue Francisco Herrera, eloquent and profound reflections on identity and memory within the 9 th of January, 1964, Alina Torrero and also lead us to deeper thoughts, with a new way of looking at the past and bring nearer the city, in those spaces for memory keeping. César Villarreal will be our moderator.

On the First Day Talk of Heritage 2014, “Heritage and Memory: 9 January 1964”, we auspices Patronato Panama Viejo, National Library “Ernesto J. Castillero”, it MAC Museum of Contemporary Art of Panama, City of Knowledge, this Committee and its Heritage Days Talk. The Day will be held on Thursday 30 th of January, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC), in Martyrs Avenue and Calle San Blas, Ancon. You will find attached to this post, the front and back of the invitation card, and a guide map to reach the MAC.

As always, expect them enthusiastically, mind and open arms. Admission will be free forever. Invite those who want; come and listen, ask, share with us, and again talk about heritage.

The hope!


Katti Osorio Ugarte
Let's Talk About Heritage Committee

First Session of, Let's Talk About Heritage 2014, "Patrimonio y Memoria: 9 January 1964"

First Session of, Let's Talk About Heritage 2014, “Heritage and Memory: 9 January 1964”

Décimas to the Motherland on the fiftieth anniversary of 9 January

Dear friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

This has been an excellent week to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Patriotic Feat 9 th of January, 1964. With the Law No. 118 of 27 December 2013 declaring the 9 January each year Day of National Sovereignty, citizen initiative presented by the Citizens Movement for Strengthening Identity Panamanian, from this year on the date of the Patriotic Feat shan't be transferred to create a long holiday weekend (día puente), and will be remembered with events, TV specials, educational activities, conferences, murals and art exhibitions, as well as public State events, every year from now on.

Dear friends, I bring for you a segment “of the Ceremony commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Patriotic Feat 9 January 1964” which took place on 8 th of January, 2014 at the National Library “Ernesto J. Castillero R.” Panama City. The ceremony was carried out under the auspices of, the Citizens Movement for Strengthening of Panamanian Identity (also known as, Movement for the Rescue of Identity and Historical Memory), National Library “Ernesto J. Castillero R.”, National Institute Foundation, National Institute Association – Generation 1964, Alumni Association of the National Institute – Generation 1957. The ceremony was beautiful, involving local personalities linked to the Patriotic Feat, and the venue was completely full with public.

There was no party flags, Panamanians and jubilant friends only. There were speeches, poetry, and testimonies of the Patriotic Feat; presentation of certificates to illustrious Panamanians and of course, the itinerant exhibit of the Caravan of Sovereignty, with varied and abundant documentation on the 9 th of January, 1964 and related events.

This is the segment that I want to share with you:

El Grupo Riba-Smith, troubadours sponsored by supermarket chain Riba-Smith, sang Décimas to the Motherland on ocassion of the Solemn ceremony. They were very nice songs, so I would like to share their music with you. The Changmarín Foundation was present, and presented to el Grupo Riba-Smith a CD of Décimas to the Motherland by Master Carlos Francisco Changmarín, Panamanian author, essayist and composer of great renown, for his work on national issues. Professor Ricardo Rios, driver of the Caravan of Sovereignty, also received a CD in recognition of his worthy efforts to promote the historical memory of the homeland.

I will update this post later, with some photos.


Katti Osorio

To commemorate the 9 th of January, 1964: Public Events

Friends from Panama Equity:

I extend the following invitation to several public events, open and free, commemorating the patriotic deeds of 9 th of January, 1964:





FOUNDATION Ascanio Villalaz


The Citizens Movement for Strengthening Identity Panamanian, conjunction with the Foundation for National Institute, The Ascanio Villaláz Foundation and the National Bar Association, Panama invites people to participate in its program of activities commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of 9 January.

We clarify our decision to develop the next programmingcompletely independent of the Official Committee, intended to safeguard the solemn character and nature of popular 9 January, tribute to martyrs. In this spirit, Festine wish to avoid the Day of National Sovereignty, electioneering under criteria, because we defend the 9 January is National Heritage.

This program is for all Panamanians, without any requirement that respect for historical memory and the sense of belonging with the epic of national sovereignty.

Candidates for the upcoming elections who wish to join our activities provided only carry the national flag, joining as one among the crowd, in respect for heroes 9 January.

Monday 6 January:

2:30 p.m.: Introducing the Coral Poetics Diana Moran, with students from the National Institute, directed by Anais Morán Rovi, Riba Smith Supermarket in the Transístmica.

5:00 p.m.: Hossana TV. Olympus Sáenz Program invites the Columbus Chapter of the Identity Movement. Dr stellar share. Guillermo Pimentel Rolla.

Tuesday 7 January:

10:00 a.m.: Introducing the special edition of the Lottery Magazine Commemoration 50 years of the Heroic Deeds of 9 January 1964. Auditorium of the National Lottery.

1. Speech by Dr. Eduardo Flores Castro, on behalf of the Editorial Board of the Journal Lottery.

2. Testimonios by Prof.. Elba Isaza (Generation of Institutora 61), Lic. Marcos Ramirez (Gen. 64) and Dr. Rimsky Sucre (Gen. 64).

Wednesday 8 January:

10:00 a.m.: Solemn ceremony at the National Library Ernesto J. Speeches by Castillero: Adolfo Ahumada, Rosa Maria Britton, Eduardo Flores Castro, Eduardo Henríquez, Mani Gueuigdinapi and Ana Elena Porras.

2:30 p.m.: Introducing the Coral Poetics Diana Moran, with students from the National Institute, directed by Anais Morán Rovi, Riba Smith in the East Coast.

8:00 p.m.: to 12 midnight. Vigil for Cultural Memory 9 January and Rescue National Institute. Steps of the National Institute.

Thursday 9 January:

8:00 a.m. Focusing on the National Institute Stairways. Singing the National Anthem Institute.

9:00 a.m. Civic march towards the "Monument to the Heroes of the Fatherland", located on the Avenue of the Martyrs. Act against citizen Monument: Remarks by Prof. Ricardo Rios Torres, Prof Minstrels Tenths. Carlos Francisco Changmarín, Poems to martyrs, recited by Anais Moran and Indira Moreno.

4:00 p.m. Walk from the National Institute to the steps of the Administration Building of the Canal. Addresses by leaders of guilds, student movements and associations and civic.

Friday 10 January:

9:30 a.m. Dissertation on the meaning of 9 January, by Dr. Ana Elena Porras and Dr. Eduardo Flores Castro, in the Blue Room of the Assembly of Deputies (will be broadcast live on the channel of the Assembly).

Saturday 11 January:

8:00 a.m.: El Dr. Eduardo Flores Castro invites sabatino hear Radio program "Science for All" (The Primerísima 1470 AM), where will play host to Prof. Luis Navas who will talk about the exploits of January 64 City of Columbus.

We also recommend this blog, “The Look Nuchu”, storyteller Carlos Fong, who has compiled several cultural events, including theater, in this excellent event calendar: Agenda for recall: 9 th of January, 1964.


Katti Osorio.

Panama has returned to the restored flag patriotic deed of 9 th of January, 1964

Friends from Panama Equity:

I bring a short report of the National Television Channel 2 (TVN) on arrival in Panama Flag the ground 4 th of January, 2014, carrying students from the National Institute on 9 th of January, 1964, which was torn Zonian zonians police and at the site of Balboa High School, “Balboa High School”. The tattered flag, for many years rested in an urn at the National Institute, was sent to Spain under the auspices of the Panama Canal Authority, Thanks to the efforts of the National Institute graduates Generation 1964, Ministry of Education, The Canal Museum, and the National Institute of Culture.

In the video, Flag was received with honors in Tocumen International Airport, with the presence of the Minister of Government and Lic. Rimsky Sucre, he witnessed part of the historical facts of 9 th of January, 1964. I note that the flag is not displayed the flag restored, but a Panamanian flag covers honorably transported the box where the restored remains of the Panamanian flag was torn the 9 th of January, 1964.

Panamanian flag. 9 th of January, 1964.

Flag carried by the students of the National Institute on Canal Zone 9 th of January, 1964. The Panamanian delegation was reduced to six students by the authorities of the Canal Zone; the rest is in the background photo. Source: La Estrella de Panama.

Roberto Chiari President receives the torn Panamanian flag. 9 January, 1964.

President Roberto Chiari received from citizens torn by the Panamanian flag and police zonians 9 th of January, 1964.

Hopefully see you soon put on display to the public with honor and precautions for proper conservation. I am extremely curious to see what work was done in its restoration.

This is the video of the Panama Canal Authority, when the flag was moved for restoration.


Katti Osorio.

A pride for the Panama Canal constribuir restore flag 9 January. Panama Canal Authority, 4 th of January, 1964.

For everything related to Anniversary No. 50 the patriotic gesture of 9 th of January, 1964 Heritage published in Panama, Please select from the menu Categories on this site, “Anniversary No. 50 and Salón 9 th of January, 1964“.

Conclusion: A law, finally enacted, for the deeds of 9 th of January, 1964

Dear Friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

I bring great news. Today finally, has come enacted law in the Official Gazette for the deed of 9 th of January, 1964. It's a great win in Panama city! This success has come from the hand of the Citizens Movement for Strengthening Identity Panamanian.

Previous Article, for reference to the background of this triumph: Patrimonio Panama | A Law for the heroic deeds of the 9 th of January, 1964

This is the Official Gazette No. 27442-A Monday 30 December 2013, where among other things he promulgated Law No. 118 of 27 December 2013, “declaring 9 January each year Day of National Sovereignty, subrogated Law 13 of 1967 and amending an article of the Labor Code.”

Under the text signed by the President of Panama, and promulgated in Official Gazette:

Law 118 de 2013, page 1 de of

Law 118 of 2013, page 1 of 3



Law 118 de 2013, page 2 de of

Law 118 of 2013, page 2 of 3



Law 118 de 2013, page 3 de of

Law 118 of 2013, page 3 of 3



The Digital Gazette of Panama can be found at,, and on the website of the National Assembly of Panama, LEGISPAN.






Katti Osorio
The text of the Act 118 of 27 December 2013, your scanned by the Official Gazette of Panama Image, and all its related information are public and freely accessible on the website of the Digital Official Gazette and National Assembly of Panama.

A Law for the heroic deeds of the 9 th of January, 1964

Dear Friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

Next year, precisely on the 9 th of January, 2014, are met 50 years since the events known in Panama as the patriotic deeds of 9 th of January, 1964. This date is crucial in the history of the consolidation of Panamanian identity, in the abolition of the exclusion zone of the Panama Canal formerly known as, “The Canal Zone” thus restoring the country's sovereign integrity, and the transfer of the Panama Canal to Panama. The Citizens Movement for the Strengthening of Panamanian Identity, in which I belong, presented to the National Assembly of Panama a Citizens' Initiative for the 9 January every year, become by Law, the Day of National Sovereignty, with appropriate commemorations. Although the citizen initiative presented went on to become Bill Draft No. 669 of 2013, approved on Third Debate and sent to the President for assent and promulgation over thirty days ago, that has not yet come to pass.

(Edition of automatic translation is in progress) The construction of the Panama Canal, between 1904 and 1914, It was a titanic work. I wish nothing diminish the merits of any of the groups involved in its construction: Americans, afroantillanos, Chinese, Latin, Panamanians, European and other. His life and effort led to the great work. However, the cost to the young republic of Panama, Founded in 1903 even in the economic and human consequences of the devastating War of a Thousand Days, was unusual. The signing of the Hay-Bunau Varilla, also known as the Isthmian Canal Convention, divided into three parts the country, providing a central strip of sea to sea that stretched five miles from the centerline where after the Panama Canal would be located, domain in perpetuity to the United States. In other words, Panama was divided into three pieces, Canal Zone to be the central piece disposed in perpetuity to use and manage U.S.. The Canal Zone was in fact, a colonial enclave in the twentieth century, which was administered to himself outside the Panamanian jurisdiction with its own rules. Inclusive, Panama City, capital of the republic, was cystic but not included within the enclave, although it was subject to its rules (health and construction, for example) for decades. The Canal Zone established a strong segregationist component, where payrolls Gold Roll for “whites”, and Silver Roll, for those “colors” also determined the services, housing facilities and other privileges or lack thereof, for workers in the great work. This included the system of commissaries, with separate entrances for each payroll, and whose supply excluded local merchants (Panama Panamanian-based). European (Greeks, Italian, Spanish and other) They were on the payroll Silver Roll. Some of the Creole elite Panamanian employees in the Canal Zone were on the payroll Gold Roll, no doubt to appease local partners. The Canal Zone maintained its own postal system, passports, license plates and other signs of autonomy, under an American Governor. The Canal Zone legally existed until the second half of the twentieth century.

Returning to 9 th of January, 1964, understandable resentment by ordinary Panama by the existence of the Canal Zone and its apartheid system. Since its inception, Panamanians were upset, even visible in the architecture of the city of Panama, constricted between the Canal Zone and the sea (a corridor for the city expansion was enabled by the second decade of the twentieth century), and which had lost its deepwater port: anchorage of Isla Perico, that became part of the Causeway. The original building of the National Assembly of Panama and the most important school of the time, the National Institute, were built beside the edge of the Canal Zone, a line that became a street called Avenida 4 July, and now known as the Avenue of the Martyrs. During and in the vicinity of this same avenue in the Panamanian side, cabarets and brothels were located, activity prohibited in the Canal Zone and sought by the Americans in such places.

The National Institute is the protagonist of 9 th of January, 1964, although not the only, as this was a popular struggle. The fact is that President John F. Kennedy (E.E.U.U.) y el President Roberto Chiari (Panamá) signed the Agreement in Chiari-Kennedy 1963, which ordered the Panamanian flag hoisted in public places within the Canal Zone, where previously only the American flag was hoisted. In 1964, the governor of the Canal Zone Robert Fleming, and the inhabitants thereof (called zonians), They missed the Chiari-Kennedy Agreement. Students of the National Institute, middle school, peacefully organized to enforce the Agreement Chiari-Kennedy. They informed the Panamanian Foreign Ministry of its intention to go to the Canal Zone, specifically Balboa High School, who was also a high school, to raise the Panamanian flag on the grounds of Balboa High School. Duly authorized, the delegation of students and teachers walking entered the Canal Zone carrying the Panamanian flag used by the National Institute for big feasts, including embroidered national emblem at its center.

The result was an immense tragedy. Now to go against the Administration Building of the Panama Canal, Zonian authorities decreased the size of the delegation to be allowed access to the grounds of Balboa High School (Balboa Highschool). Six students advanced with the Panamanian flag, escorted by police from the Canal Zone. In the grounds of Balboa High School were confronted by Zonian students accompanied by their parents. The Zonian civilians attacked six Panamanian students and tore the Panamanian flag.

This attack sparked the ire of Panamanians. Violence escalated quickly, extendiéndose to Panama, where Panamanians fled assaulted by zonians, their police and finally, the U.S. Army. This invaded Panama City and opened fire on protesters. Quickly other Panamanian groups joined what had become a battle for the defense of Panama, and there was battle in the city of Columbus, terminal homologous inter-oceanic route in the Atlantic Ocean. Panama had no army. Of the dead and wounded, I do not offer numbers, but the Martyrs 9 th of January, 1964 that name Martyrs Avenue twenty-one people were. Among themselves, there were men, women, children.

Panama broke diplomatic relations with the United States of America following the events. The feat of 9 th of January, 1964 opened the way for the signing of the Torrijos-Carter 1967, which allowed the disappearance of the Canal Zone and the reversal of their land to Panama, nationalization of the Panama Canal, and the dismantling of the U.S. military bases not only in the Canal Zone, but in different areas of the country.

To further explore the events on 9 th of January, 1964, I offer you this link to an article written by historians Celestino Araúz and Patricia Pizzurno: The 9 th of January, 1964. A simple search on Google should bing up for you many more sources. This link on Slideshare (click here) is educational material for the classroom, presented by Professor of International Affairs Briseis Allard Olmos, of the University of Panama. The cover of LIFE, who reviewed the events in its issue of 24 th of January, 1964, I turned it over to the world. Although the U.S. approach insisted that it was unjustified brawls, and even promoted by communists, due to pressure on the Organization of American States (OAS), opened the door to reconciliation between Panama and the United States of America, agreeing that included renegotiating the Panama Canal treaties. In these negotiations the Panamanian diplomat shone, Ambassador representative of Panama to the OAS, licensed Miguel J. Moreno Jr., until the Moreno-Bunker Statement 12 March 1964. U.S. President Lyndon Johnson opposed the declaration, overruling its ambassador to plead against accepting conditions for negotiating with Panama and noted that there was still no talks between the presidents of both countries (Arauz and Pizzurno 1996: 473). Panama remained strong according to Moreno-Bunker Statement, bringing another round of negotiations that culminated in a Joint Declaration signed by Miguel began J. Moreno Jr. y Ellsworth Bunker en Washington, on the 3 th of April, 1964, agreeing to restore diplomatic relations, designate special ambassadors to resolve the causes of conflict, and that they would begin their work immediately to reach a fair and equitable agreement for both countries. This was the door that once opened, allowed the negotiations over the next decade led to the negotiation of the Torrijos-Carter Treaties and the return of the Canal Zone and to Panamanian jurisdiction. The Araúz and Pizzurno historians refer extensively to interventions Moreno in his book, Studies Panama Republican (Arauz and Pizzurno 1996: 467-475).

LIFE magazine, 24 th of January, 1964

Home iconic LIFE magazine, 24 th of January, 1964. Source: Internet.

Despite the extraordinary importance of the harrowing events that I have described very briefly, on the 9 January, although it was declared National Mourning Day by Act No. 13 of 30 th of January, 1967, is not adequately celebrated in their proper perspective, as are other dates. Many see this inexcusable neglect the fear of offending the United States, that is one of the major trading partners of Panama, and whose influence has continued to feel, to the ends of the Panama Invasion 20 December 1989 (Operation Just Cause) it took by force the entire country to extract Manuel Antonio Noriega, emplanillado former Panamanian dictator and drug trafficker CIA, now imprisoned in the prison of La Joya. To rectify this omission, the Citizens Movement for Strengthening Identity Panamanian labor provided by Dr. Ana Elena Porras to the National Assembly, a citizens' initiative for the purpose of stating the 9 January Sovereignty Day, it can not be said bridge day, to ensure that the memory historical date, on the 9 January I celebrated it mandatory in both public offices and schools by either debates, conferences, murals, essay contests, oratorical and artistic exhibitions.

The citizen initiative was presented to the National Assembly on 12 July 2013. He went on to become the No Bill. 27 of 12 July 2013, declaring 9 January each year Day of National Sovereignty, subrogated Law 13 of 30 th of January, 1967, and amending Article 46 Labour Code, prohijado by the Education Commission, Culture and Sports, of the National Assembly. The 21 October 2013, Bill said No. 27 was referred to the President of the National Assembly to be subjected to First Debate. The Draft Law No. 27 became the Bill Project Number. 669 of 21 October 2013, declaring 9 January each year Day of National Sovereignty, subrogated Law 13 of 30 th of January, 1967, and amending Article 46 Labour Code. It was approved in First, Second and Third Debate, the latter 23 October 2013.

The following images show the text adopted in Third Debate in the National Assembly, and waiting to be signed by the President of the Republic of Panama, and promulgated in the Official Gazette of Panama. It covers only as law from its enactment. So far today, Wednesday 18 December 2013, President of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli B., has not enacted the text signed in Digital Official Gazette of Panama.

Bill Project Number. 669 de 2013. Page 1 de of

Bill Project Number. 669 de2013. Page 1 of 2. Source: National assembly.

Bill Project Number. 669 de2013. Page 2 of 2.

Bill Project Number. 669 de2013. Page 2 of 2. Source: National assembly.

I conclude this entry Heritage Panama with the names of the Martyrs 9 th of January, 1964.

Ascanio Arosemena
Ezequiel Gonzalez Meneses
Estanislao Orobie
Victor Manuel Iglesias
Gonzalo Crance Robles
Teofilo de la Torre
Alberto Oriol, Jr.
Rodolfo Benítez Sánchez
Victor Manuel Garibaldo
Ricardo Murga
Rosa Elena Landecho
Maritza Alabarca
Rogelio Lara
Jacinto Palacios Cobos
Vicente Bonilla
Jorge Enrique Gil
Constant Nicolas Alberto
José del Cid
Lizardo Saldaña Haven
Renato Lara
Celestino Villareta.

Peace to the tombs of heroes, that honor their memory alive.


Katti Osorio
The text of the Bill not. 669 of 2013, your scanned image by the National Assembly, and all its related information are public and freely accessible on the website of the National Assembly of Panama.

1. National Assembly of Panama
2013 Bill Project Number. 669 of 21 October – declaring 9 January each year Day of National Sovereignty, subrogated Law 13 of 30 th of January, 1967, and amending Article 46 Labour Code. Labour Legislativa / Projects. Electronic document,, Viewed in December 2013.
2. Araúz, Celestino and Patricia Pizzurno
1996 Studies Panama Republican (1903 – 1989). First Edition. Manfer, S.A., Colombia.

Other sources used:
3. Panama Canal Authority
1999 Treaties between Panama and the United States. In, Nationality Library Collection Flight. 8.
4. Goodin, Melva Lowe de
2012 African descent in the Isthmus of Panama 1501 – 2012. Society of Friends of West Indian Museum of Panama (SAMAAP), Panamá.
5. Newton, Velma
1995 Men's Silver Roll – West Indian Migration to Panama 1850-1914. Society of Friends of West Indian Museum of Panama (SAMAAP), Panamá.
6. Osorio, Katti
2010 Research on timber frame buildings in Panama City, Part 1: A tailored image of national heritage and its influence on conservation. Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) Flight. 75 (2010) Not. 650 pp. 989-995

Wall of Heroes, painted a second time by the Kolectivo (Updated to 15 December 2013)

Updated at 15 December:

Are 25 No days for anniversary. 50 the achievement of 9 th of January, 1964. The Kolectivo The group held meetings on 10 and 11 December with the general director of the National Institute of Culture, who invited them in order to mediate the controversial mural. The proposal of the Director General was rejected by the group of artists, as it included not paint the controversial wall, fences but that would be built for that purpose.

It was aggravating to the argument that just days before, an allusive mural to the deed of 9 th of January, 1964 painted on the Avenue of the Martyrs by a guest artist for this occasion of the Biennale Panama, was also covered with gray paint by authorities.

Odeith, Biennial South. Source: The Kolectivo

Odeith, Biennial South. Source: The Kolectivo

The work was removed by the authorities in a piece of graffiti artist Portuguese Odeith, who was invited to the Biennial South in Panama in April 2013, and participation was funded by the Mayor of Panama. The work commemorating the heroic deeds of 9 th of January, 1964 with a composition designed and executed by Odeith occasion of the Biennale in South, and was inexplicably covered with gray paint by the authorities in the wake of the controversy over the mural of The Kolectivo on same street.

Click here to see the work completed at the time of, web page Odeith.

Another work of The Kolectivo was also, removed.

Mural painted by El Kolectivo, erased.

The mural was painted by El Kolectivo in January 2013, and blotted with gray paint by authorities in December 2013. Source: The Kolectivo.


Updated at 8 December:

Are 31 days for the arrival of No.50 Anniversary of the patriotic deeds of 9 th of January, 1964. This Week, The Kolectivo tried again to paint the mural commemorating the feat in the scene, The Avenue of the Martyrs. Units from doing police work, to citizen disapproval. He assured that Kolectivo will return to intentarlo. Here I bring a television news on this intent, filmed by HISPANTV – Nexo Latino:

Click this link to view the news in video.

Additionally, I bring you this video of La Prensa:

Updated at 30 November:

Now with more colors, The mural becomes Kolectivo. I find that they have upgraded with new colors. The photograph, taken from the The Facebook page Kolectivo, data yesterday 30 November.


Photo of the mural before being cleared by the Ministry of Public Works:


For more information on what the mural is and why it is being painted for the second time, look at this blog entry entitled, Patrimonio Panama | Urban art and historical memory: Wall of Heroes, covered with gray paint