Canal de YouTube, “Heritage Panama”

Friends, I announce with joy the opening of the Panama Canal Heritage YouTube.

The aim of the Panama Canal Heritage YouTube is put at its disposal a range of lists (playlists) Videos related to heritage and culture, especially Panama. In the future we will have some videos themselves.

Hitherto, The following lists are:

  • Random in Panama / Panama at random. It's a list of interesting videos, Panama related to generally.
  • Panamanian Culture / Panamanian culture. It is a list of related videos to culture in Panama, ethnically diverse, human groups and indigenous cultural expressions that represent various aspects of Panama as a country.
  • Historic Sites in Panama / Historic sites in Panama. Contains videos showing historic sites Panamanians, sights, monumental, parks, squares and other related to Panamanian history.
  • Historic district of Panama / Casco Antiguo of Panama. Videos that show aspects of the Old Town of the City of Panama and thus document changes in it over time.
  • Great vids related to cultural heritage / Related Videos wonderful al cultural heritage. This list is a bit irreverent; contains Videos (as you find them) with unconventional views on cultural heritage, fun music and artistic expressions (and some not so funny).
  • Natural heritage in Panama / Natural heritage in Panama. Videos about nature in Panama and beauty.
  • UNESCO and World Heritage / UNESCO and world heritage. List of educational topics generated by UNESCO, or related to protected sites under the World Heritage Convention 1972 (UNESCO).

To access the Panama Canal Heritage on YouTube, press the button:

Panama Heritage on YouTube

Historic Panama Canal YouTube
Historic Panama YouTube Channel

I hope you enjoy my selection of videos, and some videos that go slowly adding in the future.

As always, Thanks for your visit.

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