About the Author / About the Author

Katti Osorio Ugarte, Ph.D.

Doctor of Philosophy in World Heritage Studies from the University of Tsukuba, Doctor of Philosophy in World Heritage Studies from the University of Tsukuba.

Doctor of Philosophy in World Heritage Studies from the University of Tsukuba, Doctor of Philosophy in World Heritage Studies from the University of Tsukuba. Doctor of Philosophy in World Heritage Studies from the University of Tsukuba, Doctor of Philosophy in World Heritage Studies from the University of Tsukuba. Doctor of Philosophy in World Heritage Studies from the University of Tsukuba, for the world heritage "Archaeological Site of Old Panama and Historic District of Panama"; for the world heritage "Archaeological Site of Old Panama and Historic District of Panama"; for the world heritage "Archaeological Site of Old Panama and Historic District of Panama", for the world heritage "Archaeological Site of Old Panama and Historic District of Panama", for the world heritage "Archaeological Site of Old Panama and Historic District of Panama".

for the world heritage "Archaeological Site of Old Panama and Historic District of Panama" (for the world heritage "Archaeological Site of Old Panama and Historic District of Panama") for the world heritage "Archaeological Site of Old Panama and Historic District of Panama"; for the world heritage "Archaeological Site of Old Panama and Historic District of Panama"; for the world heritage "Archaeological Site of Old Panama and Historic District of Panama"; Association of Anthropology and History of Panama; for the world heritage "Archaeological Site of Old Panama and Historic District of Panama" (for the world heritage "Archaeological Site of Old Panama and Historic District of Panama"), among other professional affiliations.

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3 thoughts on “About the Author / About the Author

  1. Me gustaría aprender mas sobre el casco del sitio de Panamá y poder trabajar y colocar mi mano amiga para apoyar cualquier iniciativa de desarrollo y conservación del casco Histórico.

  2. Satisfaction and trust received when an official with high academic and vocational qualifications plays an important position in relation to the preservation and dissemination of historical heritage.

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