About “Heritage Panama” (About)

Patrimonio Panama (Panama Heritage) is a blog dedicated to national and world heritage from Panama, including a few glimpses into natural heritage. If you like history, historic architecture and cultural heritage, check out this blog.

The objective of Patrimonio Panamá is to provide access to specialized information to the general public in a simple and entertaining fashion, in order to encourage appreciation in Panamanians and foreigners alike for the priceless cultural and natural heritage based in Panama.

Under the study of heritage, as any specialized study, references must be accompanied by accurate and reliable literature sources. Thus, every post in this blog includes references, quotations and links where they are needed.

Welcome to Patrimonio Panamá.

4 thoughts on “About “Heritage Panama” (About)

  1. In Panama, do not have a website, dedicated to cultural heritage material, ni Patrimonio cultural inmaterial, this may be the beginning of this important task, necessary for the story, Culture and traditions of our country, Panamá

    • Thank Sr. Brown; I hope the contribution that this website can provide meaningful for all those interested in the preservation and dissemination of Panamanian heritage, Panama and that of the world.

  2. ¡En buena hora! Contamos con un lugar para enterarnos de cosas del patrimonio, pero también para compartir y denunciar.

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