Talk about Heritage Day IV

Dear friends:

Again I am writing to invite you to participate in the initiative, Let's Talk About Heritage Sessions. The theme of the Fourth Estate Let's Talk Day is, A vision Panama documentary heritage: Its preservation and dissemination.

The aim of the Let's Talk About Heritage Sessions is simple: It is, to create awareness in the general public, alleviating the lack of knowledge around issues of culture and heritage. For this, Organizing Committee coordinates our monthly events, open to the general public for free; Featured panelists present on different topics, at venues related to culture and heritage.

The aim of this Fourth Day Talk of Heritage, “A vision Panama documentary heritage: Its preservation and dissemination”, is to disseminate the importance of documentary heritage of Panama in the preservation and transmission of our history, heritage and culture, as an indispensable support to education and comprehensive training of our citizens.

We have the support of the Patronato Panama Viejo, National Library of Panama Ernesto J. Castillero, the Public Registry of Panama and the National Archives, City of Knowledge, and the Organizing Committee, in which I belong. The Let's Talk About Heritage Session: A vision Panama documentary heritage: Its preservation and dissemination, will take place on Thursday 18 July 2013 at 6:30 p.m., in the facilities of the Board of Visitors of Old Panama, Parque Lefevre, Via Cinquantenaire, at the height of the Statue Morelos. Admission is free; reservation is not needed. Invite as many people as you wish, as always, All shall be welcome!

This time we have the participation of licensed Ida Cecilia Mitre, who will talk about the rescue of archival documentary heritage of Panama; Also we have the participation of graduate Juliana swept Alfonso, who provide valuable information on the digital heritage of the National Library; Mr. Mario Garcia Hudson tell us how we are preserving the memory, Audiovisual Center of the National Library. Accompanies the excellent moderator, Licenciada Guadalupe Rivera. You will find attached to this post the front and back of the invitation card, with details about the talks, and short biography of each of our exhibitors, and our moderator.

Admission is free. During the event, the exhibition will remain open, “Balboa and the Cave: Source identity” Trustees at the Museum of Old Panama, which is sponsored by the National Commission for the Commemoration of the Fifth Centenary of the Discovery of the Pacific Ocean, and the Patronato Panama Viejo; all an opportunity.

There are very cordially, guests. Come and listen, ask, find out about a thousand interesting things; come with us and let's talk about heritage again.

Best Regards,

Katti Osorio
Conference Organizing Committee Heritage Talk