First Session of, Let's Talk About Heritage 2014, “Heritage and Memory: 9 January 1964”

Dear friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

Part Talk Heritage Days Committee, I extend the invitation to the First Day of the Year Heritage Talk 2014, “Heritage and Memory: 9 January 1964”. You are cordially invited!

Dear Friends:

Happy and happy year for you all, Part of this Let's talk about your Heritage Days Committee!

Always grateful for your interest in this effort for heritage and culture in Panama, we begin let's talk about Heritage Days in 2014 with our First Day, “Heritage and Memory: 9 January 1964”. So with great excitement, we become partakers of the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the patriotic deeds of 9 January, with all of you.

The objective of this first day is a dialogue on the profound action of memory in shaping our country heritage. In this special case, we have the introduction to the topic through their direct experiences in events 1964 Cesar Villarreal. They continue Francisco Herrera, eloquent and profound reflections on identity and memory within the 9 th of January, 1964, Alina Torrero and also lead us to deeper thoughts, with a new way of looking at the past and bring nearer the city, in those spaces for memory keeping. César Villarreal will be our moderator.

On the First Day Talk of Heritage 2014, “Heritage and Memory: 9 January 1964”, we auspices Patronato Panama Viejo, National Library “Ernesto J. Castillero”, it MAC Museum of Contemporary Art of Panama, City of Knowledge, this Committee and its Heritage Days Talk. The Day will be held on Thursday 30 th of January, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC), in Martyrs Avenue and Calle San Blas, Ancon. You will find attached to this post, the front and back of the invitation card, and a guide map to reach the MAC.

As always, expect them enthusiastically, mind and open arms. Admission will be free forever. Invite those who want; come and listen, ask, share with us, and again talk about heritage.

The hope!


Katti Osorio Ugarte
Let's Talk About Heritage Committee

First Session of, Let's Talk About Heritage 2014, "Patrimonio y Memoria: 9 January 1964"

First Session of, Let's Talk About Heritage 2014, “Heritage and Memory: 9 January 1964”

Décimas to the Motherland on the fiftieth anniversary of 9 January

Dear friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

This has been an excellent week to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Patriotic Feat 9 th of January, 1964. With the Law No. 118 of 27 December 2013 declaring the 9 January each year Day of National Sovereignty, citizen initiative presented by the Citizens Movement for Strengthening Identity Panamanian, from this year on the date of the Patriotic Feat shan't be transferred to create a long holiday weekend (día puente), and will be remembered with events, TV specials, educational activities, conferences, murals and art exhibitions, as well as public State events, every year from now on.

Dear friends, I bring for you a segment “of the Ceremony commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Patriotic Feat 9 January 1964” which took place on 8 th of January, 2014 at the National Library “Ernesto J. Castillero R.” Panama City. The ceremony was carried out under the auspices of, the Citizens Movement for Strengthening of Panamanian Identity (also known as, Movement for the Rescue of Identity and Historical Memory), National Library “Ernesto J. Castillero R.”, National Institute Foundation, National Institute Association – Generation 1964, Alumni Association of the National Institute – Generation 1957. The ceremony was beautiful, involving local personalities linked to the Patriotic Feat, and the venue was completely full with public.

There was no party flags, Panamanians and jubilant friends only. There were speeches, poetry, and testimonies of the Patriotic Feat; presentation of certificates to illustrious Panamanians and of course, the itinerant exhibit of the Caravan of Sovereignty, with varied and abundant documentation on the 9 th of January, 1964 and related events.

This is the segment that I want to share with you:

El Grupo Riba-Smith, troubadours sponsored by supermarket chain Riba-Smith, sang Décimas to the Motherland on ocassion of the Solemn ceremony. They were very nice songs, so I would like to share their music with you. The Changmarín Foundation was present, and presented to el Grupo Riba-Smith a CD of Décimas to the Motherland by Master Carlos Francisco Changmarín, Panamanian author, essayist and composer of great renown, for his work on national issues. Professor Ricardo Rios, driver of the Caravan of Sovereignty, also received a CD in recognition of his worthy efforts to promote the historical memory of the homeland.

I will update this post later, with some photos.


Katti Osorio

To commemorate the 9 th of January, 1964: Public Events

Friends from Panama Equity:

I extend the following invitation to several public events, open and free, commemorating the patriotic deeds of 9 th of January, 1964:





FOUNDATION Ascanio Villalaz


The Citizens Movement for Strengthening Identity Panamanian, conjunction with the Foundation for National Institute, The Ascanio Villaláz Foundation and the National Bar Association, Panama invites people to participate in its program of activities commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of 9 January.

We clarify our decision to develop the next programmingcompletely independent of the Official Committee, intended to safeguard the solemn character and nature of popular 9 January, tribute to martyrs. In this spirit, Festine wish to avoid the Day of National Sovereignty, electioneering under criteria, because we defend the 9 January is National Heritage.

This program is for all Panamanians, without any requirement that respect for historical memory and the sense of belonging with the epic of national sovereignty.

Candidates for the upcoming elections who wish to join our activities provided only carry the national flag, joining as one among the crowd, in respect for heroes 9 January.

Monday 6 January:

2:30 p.m.: Introducing the Coral Poetics Diana Moran, with students from the National Institute, directed by Anais Morán Rovi, Riba Smith Supermarket in the Transístmica.

5:00 p.m.: Hossana TV. Olympus Sáenz Program invites the Columbus Chapter of the Identity Movement. Dr stellar share. Guillermo Pimentel Rolla.

Tuesday 7 January:

10:00 a.m.: Introducing the special edition of the Lottery Magazine Commemoration 50 years of the Heroic Deeds of 9 January 1964. Auditorium of the National Lottery.

1. Speech by Dr. Eduardo Flores Castro, on behalf of the Editorial Board of the Journal Lottery.

2. Testimonios by Prof.. Elba Isaza (Generation of Institutora 61), Lic. Marcos Ramirez (Gen. 64) and Dr. Rimsky Sucre (Gen. 64).

Wednesday 8 January:

10:00 a.m.: Solemn ceremony at the National Library Ernesto J. Speeches by Castillero: Adolfo Ahumada, Rosa Maria Britton, Eduardo Flores Castro, Eduardo Henríquez, Mani Gueuigdinapi and Ana Elena Porras.

2:30 p.m.: Introducing the Coral Poetics Diana Moran, with students from the National Institute, directed by Anais Morán Rovi, Riba Smith in the East Coast.

8:00 p.m.: to 12 midnight. Vigil for Cultural Memory 9 January and Rescue National Institute. Steps of the National Institute.

Thursday 9 January:

8:00 a.m. Focusing on the National Institute Stairways. Singing the National Anthem Institute.

9:00 a.m. Civic march towards the "Monument to the Heroes of the Fatherland", located on the Avenue of the Martyrs. Act against citizen Monument: Remarks by Prof. Ricardo Rios Torres, Prof Minstrels Tenths. Carlos Francisco Changmarín, Poems to martyrs, recited by Anais Moran and Indira Moreno.

4:00 p.m. Walk from the National Institute to the steps of the Administration Building of the Canal. Addresses by leaders of guilds, student movements and associations and civic.

Friday 10 January:

9:30 a.m. Dissertation on the meaning of 9 January, by Dr. Ana Elena Porras and Dr. Eduardo Flores Castro, in the Blue Room of the Assembly of Deputies (will be broadcast live on the channel of the Assembly).

Saturday 11 January:

8:00 a.m.: El Dr. Eduardo Flores Castro invites sabatino hear Radio program "Science for All" (The Primerísima 1470 AM), where will play host to Prof. Luis Navas who will talk about the exploits of January 64 City of Columbus.

We also recommend this blog, “The Look Nuchu”, storyteller Carlos Fong, who has compiled several cultural events, including theater, in this excellent event calendar: Agenda for recall: 9 th of January, 1964.


Katti Osorio.

Let's Talk About Heritage VII Session: Intangible Heritage

Dear friends:

Again I am writing to invite you to participate in the initiative, Let's Talk About Heritage Sessions. The theme of the Seventh Day is Heritage Talk, Intangible Heritage.

The aim of the Let's Talk About Heritage Sessions is simple: It is, to create awareness in the general public, alleviating the lack of knowledge around issues of culture and heritage. For this, our Let's Talk About Heritage Committee coordinates monthly events, open to the general public for free; Featured panelists present on different topics, at venues related to culture and heritage.

The objective of the Seventh Day Talk of Heritage, “Intangible Heritage”, is to share with you all approaches to the intangible cultural heritage from an international perspective to the national vision, with a case study that will be familiar and beloved. We'll traditions, vivid expressions that we inherited from our grandparents, craftsmanship, folklore and more.

To reflect on the valuable heritage with the participation of all of you, we are sponsored by the Patronato Panama Viejo, University of Panama through the Research Centre of the Faculty of Humanities (CIFHU), National Library of Panama Ernesto J. Castillero, City of Knowledge, and the Let's Talk About Heritage Committee, in which I belong. The Let's Talk About Heritage Session: Intangible Heritage, will take place on Wednesday 30 October 2013 at 6:30 p.m., in the Multipurpose Room, on the second floor of the National Library Ernesto J. Castillero; it is in the Parque Recreativo Omar, of San Francisco, Panama City. Admission is free; reservation is not needed. Invite as many people as you wish, as always, All shall be welcome!

On this occasion we had the participation of Professor Krishna Camarena, who will speak on intangible heritage from the international, referring to the concepts and scope of the UNESCO Convention on Intangible Heritage; we also have the participation of Professor Dolores Pérez Cordero, who will refer to the intangible cultural heritage at the national level, specifically to their challenges and opportunities. The accompanying Professor Marcela Camargo Rivers, we talk about history, creativity and heritage captured in Painted Hat, Panamanian intangible heritage. Professor Marcela Camargo Rivers will be both, our moderator. You will find attached to this post the front and back of the invitation card, with details about the talks, and short biography of each of our exhibitors, and our moderator.

Admission is free; you are very cordially invited. Come and listen, ask, find out about a thousand interesting things; come with us and let's talk about heritage again.

Best Regards,

Katti Osorio Ugarte
Let's Talk About Heritage Committee

Front of invitation card

Front of invitation card

Reverse invitation card

Reverse invitation card

Talk about Heritage Day IV

Dear friends:

Again I am writing to invite you to participate in the initiative, Let's Talk About Heritage Sessions. The theme of the Fourth Estate Let's Talk Day is, A vision Panama documentary heritage: Its preservation and dissemination.

The aim of the Let's Talk About Heritage Sessions is simple: It is, to create awareness in the general public, alleviating the lack of knowledge around issues of culture and heritage. For this, Organizing Committee coordinates our monthly events, open to the general public for free; Featured panelists present on different topics, at venues related to culture and heritage.

The aim of this Fourth Day Talk of Heritage, “A vision Panama documentary heritage: Its preservation and dissemination”, is to disseminate the importance of documentary heritage of Panama in the preservation and transmission of our history, heritage and culture, as an indispensable support to education and comprehensive training of our citizens.

We have the support of the Patronato Panama Viejo, National Library of Panama Ernesto J. Castillero, the Public Registry of Panama and the National Archives, City of Knowledge, and the Organizing Committee, in which I belong. The Let's Talk About Heritage Session: A vision Panama documentary heritage: Its preservation and dissemination, will take place on Thursday 18 July 2013 at 6:30 p.m., in the facilities of the Board of Visitors of Old Panama, Parque Lefevre, Via Cinquantenaire, at the height of the Statue Morelos. Admission is free; reservation is not needed. Invite as many people as you wish, as always, All shall be welcome!

This time we have the participation of licensed Ida Cecilia Mitre, who will talk about the rescue of archival documentary heritage of Panama; Also we have the participation of graduate Juliana swept Alfonso, who provide valuable information on the digital heritage of the National Library; Mr. Mario Garcia Hudson tell us how we are preserving the memory, Audiovisual Center of the National Library. Accompanies the excellent moderator, Licenciada Guadalupe Rivera. You will find attached to this post the front and back of the invitation card, with details about the talks, and short biography of each of our exhibitors, and our moderator.

Admission is free. During the event, the exhibition will remain open, “Balboa and the Cave: Source identity” Trustees at the Museum of Old Panama, which is sponsored by the National Commission for the Commemoration of the Fifth Centenary of the Discovery of the Pacific Ocean, and the Patronato Panama Viejo; all an opportunity.

There are very cordially, guests. Come and listen, ask, find out about a thousand interesting things; come with us and let's talk about heritage again.

Best Regards,

Katti Osorio
Conference Organizing Committee Heritage Talk