8th Let's Talk About Heritage Session: Heritage and Identities

Dear friends:

Again I am writing to invite you to participate in the initiative, Let's Talk About Heritage Sessions. The theme of the Eighth Let's Talk About Heritage Session is, Heritage and Identities.

The aim of the Let's Talk About Heritage Sessions is simple: It is, to create awareness in the general public, alleviating the lack of knowledge around issues of culture and heritage. For this, our Let's Talk About Heritage Committee coordinates monthly events, open to the general public for free; Featured panelists present on different topics, at venues related to culture and heritage.

The aim of the Eighth Let's Talk About Heritage Session, “Heritage and Identities”, is to share with you all approaches to the role of heritage in the construction of our “identities”. Do you want to know more? Come join us for this interesting Let's Talk About Heritage Session!

To reflect on heritage and identities with the valuable participation of all of you, we are sponsored by the Patronato Panama Viejo, University of Panama through the Research Centre of the Faculty of Humanities (CIFHU), National Library of Panama Ernesto J. Castillero, City of Knowledge, and the Let's Talk About Heritage Committee, in which I belong. The Let's Talk About Heritage Session, “Heritage and Identities”, will take place on Monday 25 of November, 2013 at 6:30 p.m., in the Manuel Octavio Sisnett Hall, at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Panama. Admission is free; reservation is not needed. Invite as many people as you wish, as always, All shall be welcome!

This time we have the participation of Professor Francisco A. Herrera, who will talk about a historical problem: the crossroads between national identity and cultural identities. Professor Ana Elena Porras Guizado will tell us about the metaphors of the National State in Panama, between 1990 and 2002. Professor Fernando Aparicio will accompany us as the moderator. You will find attached to this post the front and back of the invitation card, with details about the talks, and short biography of our lecturers, and of our moderator.

Admission is free; you are very cordially invited. Come and listen, ask, find out about a thousand interesting things; come with us and let's talk about heritage again.

Best Regards,

Katti Osorio Ugarte
Let's Talk About Heritage Committee

