Panamá en la 41a Sesión del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial de UNESCO en Cracovia, Polonia

Panamanian tribes

41a Sesión del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial en Polonia, 2017

41a Sesión del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial en Polonia, 2017

Amigos de Patrimonio Panamá:

La 41a Sesión del Comité Intergubernamental de Patrimonio Mundial bajo la Convención de UNESCO de 1972 se celebró del 2 al 12 de julio de 2017 en la ciudad de Cracovia en Polonia. De las cinco propiedades que Panamá tiene inscritas en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial, cuatro ameritaron el análisis de los organismos asesores del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial: “Fortificaciones de la Costa Caribeña de Panamá: Portobelo y San Lorenzo”, “El Sitio Arqueológico de Panamá Viejo y Distrito Histórico de Panamá”, “Reservas de la Cordillera de Talamanca–La Amistad /Parque Nacional de la Amistad”, y “Parque Nacional de Coiba y su zona especial de protección marina”. Los organismos asesores ICOMOS, ICCROM y IUCN preparan los informes y borradores de Decisión para uso del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial.

Si bien el compendio oficial de las Decisiones adoptadas por el Comité aún no ha sido publicado, las Decisiones que se refieren a los sitios panameños conservarán íntegro el texto de sus versiones en borrador, pues fueron adoptadas sin pasar por debate por parte del Comité. La información que les comunico tiene como fuente dichos borradores de Decisión.

Patrimonio Mundial Cultural de Panamá

Portobelo. Fuerte la Gloria (Foto del Autor)

Portobelo. Fuerte Santiago de la Gloria (Foto de la Autora)

En cuanto a los sitios de Patrimonio Mundial Cultural de Panamá, las “Fortificaciones de la Costa Caribeña de Panamá: Portobelo y San Lorenzo” se encuentran en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial en Peligro desde 2012, a causa del importante deterioro que sufren las estructuras militares y su entorno en un deterioro acumulado durante décadas. En 2015 Panamá actualizó su cronograma de trabajo y adaptación a esquemas aplicables de las Medidas Correctivas suministradas al país para el periodo 2012-2014 que habían caducado sin ser cumplidas, comprometiéndose a un nuevo plazo hasta 2019. Preocupan a Comité la falta de fondos continuos asignados al sitio, y urgió a Panamá a cumplir el plazo establecido, tras encomiar los esfuerzos reportados por el país por fortalecer la cooperación entre instituciones.

Plaza de la Independencia en el Casco Antiguo de Panamá (Distrito Histórico). Foto de la Autora.

Plaza de la Independencia en el Casco Antiguo de Panamá (Distrito Histórico). Foto de la Autora.

El caso del “Sitio Arqueológico de Panamá Viejo y Distrito Histórico de Panamá” es extremadamente delicado tanto en sus aspectos técnicos como diplomáticos. La construcción de infraestructura vial viaducto marino de la Cinta Costera 3(1) afectó negativamente los elementos fundamentales que sustentan el valor universal excepcional de este patrimonio mundial. En su dictamen del año 2013 en su 37a Sesión en Cambodia, el Comité del Patrimonio Mundial consideró que dicha afectación negativa es irreversible sobre la relación del Casco Antiguo con su entorno marino inmediato. Por esta razón, este patrimonio mundial no podría ser inscrito en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial en Peligro a razón de la irreversibilidad de la afectación descrita. Para evitar su salida inmediata de la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial ante las pérdidas sufridas sobre los elementos que justifican su valor, el Comité solicitó a Panamá proponer mediante un nuevo dossier de nominación a la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial al 1 de febrero del año 2018, que cambie los límites de la propiedad “Sitio Arqueológico de Panamá Viejo y Distrito Histórico de Panamá” de manera tan importante que se justifique una revisión fundamental al valor universal excepcional – en esencia, cambiar o renovar el valor agotado por uno nuevo. El proceso normal de evaluación demora aproximadamente un año corrido, por lo cual el resultado se conocerá en la 43a Sesión del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial en julio del año 2019.

A pesar de que el plazo de entrega del nuevo dossier de nominación es el 2018, este año Panamá presentó por solicitud del Comité, un informe de estado de conservación actualizado que describe tanto al Casco Antiguo de Panamá como al Sitio Arqueológico de Panamá Viejo. El Comité solicitó a Panamá informar en el año 2018 mediante un nuevo informe de estado de conservación para su evaluación por los Organismos Asesores, los diseños del proyecto de restauración del Hotel Casco Viejo del antiguo Club Unión, junto con estudios sobre acceso vehicular, gestión de residuos y otros aspectos para evaluar los impactos en el patrimonio, así como tomar las medidas necesarias para mantener la autenticidad y la integridad de ambos componentes del sitio de la propiedad, particularmente en la zona de amortiguamiento y en el entorno más amplio de Panamá Viejo.

También se entregó para la Lista Indicativa de Panamá el documento “Ruta Colonial Transístmica de Panamá”, que es paso previo y anteproyecto, diseño conceptual digamos, del nuevo dossier de nominación a la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial que deberá evitar la salida de la Lista de Patrimonio Mundial del “Sitio Arqueológico de Panamá Viejo y Distrito Histórico de Panamá”. Compendiará con éste a las “Fortificaciones de la Costa Caribeña de Panamá: Portobelo y San Lorenzo” y agregará el Camino Real y el Camino de Cruces.

Patrimonio Mundial Natural de Panamá

Reservas de la Cordillera de Talamanca–La Amistad /Parque Nacional de la Amistad

Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park (Costa Rica, Panama) ©UNESCO Author: Marc Patry

En cuanto a los sitios de Patrimonio Mundial Natural de Panamá, las “Reservas de la Cordillera de Talamanca–La Amistad /Parque Nacional de la Amistad”, que es un Patrimonio Mundial transfronterizo compartido por Costa Rica y Panamá, recibió el encomio del Comité por la suspensión del contrato de construcción de la hidroeléctrica Chan II en el sector panameño Parque Nacional de la Amistad. Ambos países deberán terminar conjuntamente al 2018 la Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica (SEA) y presentar nuevamente un informe de estado de conservación al Comité en ese mismo año. Se recordó a ambos países el peligro que representa para el valor universal excepcional el impacto de las hidroeléctricas en este patrimonio mundial natural.

Parque Nacional de Coiba y su zona especial de protección marina. Fuente:

Parque Nacional de Coiba y su zona especial de protección marina. Fuente:

El “Parque Nacional de Coiba y su zona especial de protección marina” recibió la advertencia de que ingresará a la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial en Peligro en el año 2018 si el país no presenta avances significativos en protegerle de prácticas pesqueras que no son sostenibles en el sector. El Comité reconoció los avances logrados en la generación de un Plan de Uso Público y en la reducción del número de ganado salvaje que afecta el ecosistema de la isla, y urgió al país a adoptar las recomendaciones emitidas por las misiones de monitoreo de expertos de IUCN a Panamá en 2014 y 2016.

Acceso público

Todos los documentos presentados al Comité del Patrimonio Mundial este año fueron finalizados y remitidos por la vía diplomática al Centro del Patrimonio Mundial en París, en enero de 2017. Se encuentran en disponibles en línea como documentos de acceso público en la página web de UNESCO para la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial. Constituyó una gran satisfacción profesional atender como experta en estudios del patrimonio mundial estas tareas de gran importancia para el pais junto a un equipo de trabajo, en cuanto a los sitios de patrimonio mundial cultural, y con el equipo interinstitucional reunido por la Cancillería de la República de Panamá.

Como ha indicado el INAC en diversas declaraciones a los medios de comunicación panameños, se está gestionando desde 2016 un préstamo del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) para sufragar los gastos millonarios de las obras requeridas, cuyos detalles asimismo reportó el país a UNESCO mediante los informes entregados. El Comité tomó nota más no lo ha aceptado como un hecho por estar aún en etapa preliminar.




Katti Osorio, Ph.D.

Fuente: UNESCO’s World Heritage Convention (website).

(1) El viaducto marino de la Cinta Costera 3 es parte del proyecto licitado por el Ministerio de Obras Públicas “Preservación del Patrimonio Histórico de la Ciudad de Panamá” (2011 – 2013), ejecutado por la Compañía Constructura Norberto Odebrecht. Esta compañía brasileña se encuentra en la actualidad bajo investigación por el Ministerio Público (Procuraduría General de la Nación) y se relaciona con una investigación internacional por corrupción, en proceso.

39na Sesión del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial – 2015

Convención del Patrimonio Mundial (UNESCO 1972)

Figure 1. Convención del Patrimonio Mundial (UNESCO 1972)

Dear Friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

Se avecina la Trigésimo Novena Sesión del Comité del Patrimonio Mundial (Session 39 COM). Se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Bonn, Alemania, del domingo 28 de junio al miércoles 8 July 2015.

Este es el sitio oficial en la web de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial (WHC) de la 39na Sesión:

Esta es la web oficial alemana como anfitrión de la Sesión 39 COM:

Habrá transmisión en vivo de las sesiones, en este enlace de la web oficial alemana:

Documentos de trabajo

Lastimosamente, los idiomas oficiales de la Convención son solamente el inglés y el francés, pero los documentos de trabajo de la Sesión 39 COM están ya disponibles en línea y pueden ser consultados en la pestaña “Documents” del sitio oficial (Esta: Estos documentos son public information and open access gracias a las políticas de transparencia de UNESCO. Están disponibles solamente en inglés y francés.

Los casos de Panamá

Panamá tiene pendiente ante UNESCO, en cuanto a sus bienes culturales inscritos en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial, a ambos casos: the “Fortifications on the Caribbean coast of Panama: Portobelo and San Lorenzo (C 135)” inscrito en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial en 1980, y al “Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama (790bis)” inscrito en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial en 1997 y ampliado para incluir al sitio arqueológico de Panamá Viejo en 2003. Comparto con ustedes abajo, enlaces a notas de prensa del Instituto Nacional de Cultura, publicadas en meses pasados.

Portobelo and San Lorenzo

INAC: Se firma convenio para la proteccion de Portobelo y San Lorenzo

The “Fortifications on the Caribbean coast of Panama: Portobelo and San Lorenzo (C 135)” pasaron a la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial en Peligro en el año 2012. El puerto fortificado del Conjunto Monumental Histórico de Portobelo y el monumento histórico Castillo de San Lorenzo de Chagres se hallan en un estado deplorable, que no será fácil de recuperar a un estado de conservación aceptable, y luego mejorarlo hasta hacer que su estado de conservación sea excelente.

Esta es la documentación enviada por Panamá, disponible como documento de libre acceso público en la web de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial de UNESCO:

2015, Panama, State of conservation report by the State Party / Rapport de l’Etat partie sur l’état de conservation Fortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo

Y el análisis del caso por ICOMOS y el Centro del Patrimonio Mundial, junto con la Decisión Borrador que han generado:

Portobelo and San Lorenzo, Draft Decision 39 COM 7A.46 para el año 2015 (UNOFFICIAL translation)

El Casco Antiguo de Panama

En el delicado caso del Casco Antiguo, que es parte componente del patrimonio mundial “Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama (790bis)”, éste sigue bajo las secuelas de la construcción del viaducto marino Cinta Costera Fase 3. Este año completaremos una fase previa de gran importancia: que el Comité del Patrimonio Mundial registre la Lista Indicativa de Panamá. Esa lista, que consta de una sola propiedad, es la puerta de entrada para el re-enfoque del valor universal excepcional del Casco Antiguo y de Panamá Viejo, que permita demostrar que ese valor universal excepcional aún permanece a pesar de la afectación causada por el viaducto marino Cinta Costera 3.

La Decisión Borrador que atañe a este caso es la Decisión Borrador 39 COM 8A.

Document: Tentative Lists submitted by States Parties as of 15 April 2015, in conformity with the Operational Guidelines – WHC-15/39.COM/8A

Aporto la nota de prensa de INAC correspondiente:

INAC: Panamá entrega a UNESCO expedientes para mantener conjuntos monumentales historicos en la lista de patrimonio de la Humanidad.

Equipo de trabajo

Finalmente, aporto la nota de prensa, “INAC presentó su equipo de expertos ante UNESCO”, que simplemente presentó al equipo de expertos de Panamá ante UNESCO, entre los cuales se me incluye. El trabajo que realizamos es denso y sumamente extenso. Ya que mi blog es privado, solamente podré compartir con ustedes información finalizada y hecha pública por las instancias correspondientes; además de como hago normalmente, compartirles documentación, literatura científica y bibliografía actualizada,.




Katti Osorio Ugarte, Ph.D.



342 years of moving Panama City

Dear Friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

And the anniversary of the official transfer of the city of Panama approximates the 21 th of January, 1673. Our city of Panama was founded by Pedrarias Dávila the 15 of August, 1519, and its importance in the path of the riches of America as link port trade routes, was target of pirates. Henry Morgan, English pirate, formed a coalition of pirates who attacked the Isthmus of Panama and crossed from the Caribbean to the city of Panama and swept the 28 th of January, 1671. The pirates left the city laden with booty and hostages 24 February 1671 after a long invasion, torture of people, and plunder.

The lawyer Don Miguel Francisco de Marichalar, He sent the Viceroy of Peru estimated the death toll from the invasion and its aftermath disease, injuries and unsafe conditions resulting from the destruction of the capital, in 3,000 people. Marichalar came with first aid sent to Panama; sailed from Callao in March with 2500 Men and arrived in April; this to give us an idea of ​​the distance and speed of communications in the seventeenth century.

The Spanish crown ordered the rehabilitation of the city of Panama for its strategic importance, and made her move to a safer place within its own administrative jurisdiction (See Figure 1), only eight kilometers from the ravaged city (Today Historical Monuments of Panama Viejo) closer to a deepwater port site on the Perico Island (Today grounded by the Amador Causeway with Naos and Flamenco; see Figure 2). The new governor (because above, Don Juan Perez de Guzman, was strictly fired), Don Antonio Fernández de Córdoba, He made the official Transition 21 th of January, 1673, culminating two years of hard labor for relief and transfer of the city; although the construction of the walls and buildings took many years, the city was relocated to the site known today as the Historical Monumental Complex of Old Town of the city of Panama.

Panama, 1521

Figure 1. Approximate boundaries of the city of Panama as royal decree of 6 th of September, 1521.

Centuries later, Panama City Council, by Municipal Agreement No.59 of 13 of May 1953, officially declared 15 August as the date of the founding of the city of Panama and considered the 21 January as the date of transfer and removal.

Friends, Panama City is one, Founded in 1519 and in the year 2019 shall comply 500 years old. It is the oldest city in the Pacific coast in the Americas. It departed expeditions Francisco Pizarro and Gil Gonzalez and Child, and crossed the 60% of American wealth in transit to Europe. She is the center of the universe in the ideology of Bolivar. No doubt there is a single city; the only one in Latin America with this experience Shuttle after the invasion of 1671. Celebrate with pride for its strength and permanence, the anniversary of his extraordinary Transition 21 th of January, 1673.




Katti Osorio Ugarte, Ph.D.

A single property: Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama (790bis) (Panamá)

Figure 2. A single property: Archaeological site of Panama Viejo (Monumental historic set of Panama Viejo) and Historic District of Panama (within a Monumental Historic Old Town Panama City) (790bis) (Panamá)

the - the - the - the

Thanks to timely commentary Carlos May, could adjust the final paragraph, happened to read ” It departed expeditions Francisco Pizarro and Gil Gonzalez and Child…”, of ” It departed expeditions Francisco Pizarro and Cortes…”


Araúz, Celestino and Patricia Pizzurno. 1997. The Panama Hispano (1501 – 1821). Panama City: Diario La Prensa.

Castillero Calvo, Alfred. 2006. Society, Economy and Material Culture: Urban History of Panama la Vieja. Panama City: Patronato Panama Viejo.

García de Paredes, Luis E. 1954. Move, Transfer and Reconstruction in Panama City 1673. Lecture at the University of Panama 13 of August, 1954. Panama City Council. Panamá, Panama City.

Related Posts:

341st anniversary of the relocation of Panama City (January 2013)

Conference: Panama City to their 500 years old: Heritage

Dear Friends of Patrimonio Panamá:


Thursday 20 of November, 2014, Deputy National Historical Heritage of the National Institute of Culture (INAC), I gave a lecture entitled, “Panama City to their 500 years old: Heritage”, under the First Academic Day History, Anthropology and Tourism which was held at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Panama 19 until 21 this month.

For the link to the Call of the First Academic Day History, Anthropology and Tourism, click here.

This is the summary of my paper: “The significance of national heritage World Heritage is an honor and a challenge for the country, where they are in the balance perception of historical as well globalized economic asset to the demands of tourism and real estate development, and public perception of historical heritage in its capacity as a witness of the past of the nation and therefore their identities. Circumstances in national and world history caused profound changes in the official perception of what heritage, and spurred the formulation of laws and regulations for protection and management, especially in cases where it is exploitable as an economic good prominently, such as the Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Casco Antiguo Panama City: both components of a world heritage places almost five centuries of existence that projects into a difficult future to predict.”

In my lecture, attended by distinguished anthropologists, Archaeologists, Panamanian historians and cultural managers, I detailed the current situation of the Old Town of Panama to UNESCO, as reflected in the various articles of this blog.

First Academic Day History, Anthropology and Tourism which was held at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Panama 19 until 21 of November, 2014.

First Academic Day History, Anthropology and Tourism which was held at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Panama 19 until 21 of November, 2014. Photos are courtesy of Clemente fine Marin, Coordinator of Archaeology of the Board of Panama Viejo.




Katti Osorio Ugarte, Ph.D.

Anniversary No. 495 Panama City and Panama Canal Centennial

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption of Panama, 2014. Photo: K. Osorio.

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption of Panama, 2014. Photo: K. Osorio.

Dear Friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

Today Friday 15 of August, 2014, No.495 celebrate the anniversary of the founding of Our Lady of the Assumption of Panama, our beloved city. Panama has survived pirate attacks and a devastating fire (1671), a complete transfer of its administrative structures and population (1673), scourges of tropical diseases of all kinds, to earthquakes and as the one who tore down the church Cruces, severely affected the Cathedral of Panama and knocked on the front of the Cabildo 1882, among other damage. It was bombed in Invasion 1989. Its two roots, Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama (Casco Antiguo) were declared World Heritage at UNESCO 2003 and 1997, respectively. Previously, sets had been declared by the Historical Monuments Act 91 of 1976. Present day, danger that honor the grace of a road: the infamous Coastal Belt 3.

Although all, Panama City is a thriving metropolis and somewhat disturbed; and Metro la atraviesa, but on the surface, an everlasting dam entangles its inhabitants and steals daily hours of life. In it there is art and expressions of many ethnicities; expressions of hope for Panama where there is justice and equity not the exception, but as a rule.

Congratulations, Panamá! In five years you will come to the five centuries. Today we also commemorate the centenary of the Panama Canal; an excellent time to observe and reflect on what we have actually achieved the goals we set for decades, and if we have honored the pledge made at the tombs of the Martyrs 9 January, o no. Conducts Panama Canal. Exceeds what is needed and what?


Katti Osorio Ugarte.

Panama and the changing boundaries of the World Heritage property, “Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama”

Dear Friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

Continuing the theme of UNESCO and clarify a few points, in the newspapers of the town (also understand that in the Panama America), it has emerged that the National Institute of Culture (INAC) propose alternative sites as heritage (world). INAC is only referred to the Camino de Cruces Park, Camino Real and the Bolivar Hall.

After reviewing the website of the next session 38 the UNESCO World Heritage Committee to be held in Qatar in June 2014, are not scheduled so far (1May ro 2014) new nominations to the World Heritage List of UNESCO properties from Panama (Véase WHC-14/38.COM/8B Nominations to the World Heritage List, in, although it is possible that Panama has not complied with the delivery schedule and therefore are not posted.

I allow for, interpret the statements of INAC that these new sites to be suggested correspond to the option 3 the report of the joint high level mission ICOMOS – World Heritage Centre, whose report has been in the news this week Panamanian.

In the report's recommendations, the No.3 option to change limits of the property “Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama”, he points out (in its short version):

“Submission of a (phased) approach by 1 February 2015 in which an overall new vision is included regarding components of the property as parts of a broader territorial system related to interoceanic and intercontinental commerce over five centuries. This option would imply a re-nomination of the property.” (, page 14)

In Spanish,

“Delivery of an approach (in-phase) until 1 February 2015 in which a new global vision to be included as components of the property as part of a larger territorial system related to oceanic and intercontinental trade in the course of five centuries. This option would involve a re-nomination of the property”.

Will have to wait to receive UNESCO Build Panamanian documents to see how exactly this is being proposed renomination, and the role it has in it the Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo, Old Town and what parts of them would be included. Al renominar, everything included in the nomination must prove that expresses exceptional universal value.

Certainly, on the “wider territorial system related to oceanic and intercontinental trade” would refer to the Strategic Triangle, whose three vertices have been: The Castle of San Lorenzo El Real de Chagre, the fortified port of Portobelo, and Panama City, where two of its “sides” They were Camino de Cruces, and Camino Real. Over the centuries, City of Columbus replace Portobelo (which in turn replaced the Name of God) as terminal port city of oceanic trade route.

Remember, the three options recommended by the report of the JAM high ICOMOS Reactive Monitoring – World Heritage Centre, are as follows:


“Submission of a significant boundary change to focus the site only on Panama Viejo based on the original extension dossier of 2002, to also include the new buffer zone by law 91/2007 and review the statement of Outstanding Universal Value.”

In Spanish,

“Delivering a major change to the site boundaries to focus only on Panama Viejo based on the original file extension 2002, to include the new buffer zone declared by Act 91 of 2007 and review the Statement of Outstanding Universal Value.”


“Submission of option I with an addition of a reduced area in the Historic District where some of the main attributes that convey the contribution of this component to the outstanding universal value of the serial property are present.”

In Spanish,

“Delivery Option 1 with the addition of a small area in the Historic District (Casco Antiguo) where some of the main attributes that express the contribution of this component to the outstanding universal value are present.”

OPTION 3 (cited above)

“Submission of a (phased) approach by 1 February 2015 in which an overall new vision is included regarding components of the property as parts of a broader territorial system related to interoceanic and intercontinental commerce over five centuries. This option would imply a re-nomination of the property.”

In Spanish,

“Delivery of an approach (in-phase) until 1 February 2015 in which a new global vision to be included as components of the property as part of a larger territorial system related to oceanic and intercontinental trade in the course of five centuries. This option would involve a re-nomination of the property”.


Katti Osorio Ugarte

A single property: Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama (790bis) (Panamá)

A single property: Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama (790bis) (Panamá)

Shoemaker, Juan Manuel 1980. History of the Castle of San Lorenzo El Real Chagre. Military Service History, Commission for Historic Studies of Public Works and Urbanism (CEHOPU), Spain.

Journalist article: Casco historic site would.

Diario La Prensa, 28 th of April, 2014

Diario La Prensa, 28 th of April, 2014

Dear Friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

Today Monday 28 April I bring this story from La Prensa of Panama, entitled, “Casco historic site would”.

By way of introduction and as many of you know, according to Decision 37 COM 7B.100 of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO in Cambodia given in 2013, Cinta Costera 3 irreversibly affected the relationship between the historical center and the most environment; namely, the sea and the port that gave reason exisitir and influenced the evolution of military architecture, domestic and religious as a port exposed to the current worldwide through trade, the expansion of Spanish culture into new territories, routes of slavery, and other connections. This prevents you from expressing its outstanding universal value, prerequisite to be on the World Heritage List; and therefore also, Old Town could no longer go to the List of World Heritage in Danger.

I except that Panama Viejo is in better position and expresses itself outstanding universal value, so the report of the Reactive Monitoring Mission, Joint High Level and ICOMOS and the World Heritage Centre, Panama Viejo is recommended that remains on the list.

I posted in and their facebook information made public by UNESCO about, own writings as well as some, Ph.D. specialist in the subject. Some are in print since last year, product of lectures on the subject by me. The information available on this site is available under the category, “Patrimonio Mundial / World Heritage“.

The report is in English,, public information and is thanks to the transparency policies of UNESCO. This report is not a hint of UNESCO, but of its advisory body ICOMOS and the World Heritage Centre, Secretariat of the World Heritage Committee, which it will host in the next session in Qatar this year.

Without further ado, I leave for reading the news.

Short news on the front page of the newspaper La Prensa, the aforementioned introductory news:


Katti Osorio Ugarte

341st anniversary of the relocation of Panama City

Dear friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

Today marks 341 years since the relocation of Panama City, from the place we now know as the Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo, to her current seat on the peninsula occupied by the Historic District of Panama (Casco Antiguo). The 21 th of January, 1673 is a special day, where the geopolitical importance of the strategic position of the port city of Panama in Central America was reaffirmed.

The 21 th of January, 1673 the relocation of Panama City became official 1673 from its original seat in the ruins of Panama Viejo, to another location about eight miles away; a location we know today as Casco Antiguo, within the same city limits assigned to it by the Spanish crown's royal decree of 6 th of September, 1521. These extended from the boundary of the city of Natá, the Chame River to the West; Chepo River to the East; Nombre de Dios to the North, approximately half the distance between the two cities; and the Islands of the Pearls, to the South. Indeed, Panama City was relocated, not refounded, within its original territory, with its Cabildo (seat of municipality), its Royal Court and diocese.

The relocation took place on 21 th of January, 1673, as Don Antonio Fernández de Córdoba executed the royal decree of 31 October 1672, by which the Spanish crown ordered the city relocated to the site called “Lancon” by building in the name of the king the houses for the Royal Court, the Cabildo, and the Cathedral Church; namely, the royal power, the Municipal power and ecclesiastical power for the government of Tierra Firme, retaining the port city on Perico Island, and giving special importance to protect the city by an enclosing wall. In the twentieth century, Panama City Council adopted the Decision No.. 59 of 13 of May 1953 officially declared 15 of August, 1519 date of foundation, considering the 21 January as the date of relocation. On the year 2019, Panama City will be 500 years old.

UNESCO recognized Panama Viejo and Casco Antiguo as the same city, registered in two stages in the World Heritage List, in 1997 and in 2003. Its outstanding universal value is based on the same evaluation criteria for Panama Viejo and for Casco Antiguo, because the relocated city continued its original functions as terminal of maritime and terrestrial routes. Cultural exchange through the centuries, its access to the sea, and the very special setting of the rocky peninsula that protects the historic district gave rise to its urban layout, to the development of its architecture, and to its geopolitical importance, which seduced the mind of Simon Bolivar to celebrate in Panama his Amphictyonic Congress despite the state of ruin in which the city was in 1826, according to maps from the first half of the nineteenth century.

Last year, we celebrated 500 years of the South Sea sighting by Europeans. Both events, the sighting of the South Sea (Pacific Ocean) 1513 and the founding of Panama City in 1519, are inseparable facts. With his sighting, Balboa demonstrated that this land was a new continent to the western world, and also the fact that he had gone across an isthmus. Panama City was born from the order of the Spanish empire to found a port city that would serve as a spearhead for the domain of the new sea and the rest of the continent. From it were established transisthmian routes, Camino Real and Camino de Cruces, and sea routes, linking the port of Panama with other major ports such as Acapulco and El Callao, established after the conquest travels to Mexico and Peru, creating connections that spread to Asia. Its geopolitical significance was worth the cost and effort of reactivating Panama after assault and destruction 1671, transferring it to a nearby site that would allow to quickly reactivate the port in Perico Island, and the Fairs of Portobelo on the Atlantic coast. Panama City and its history can not be interpreted without the sea that surrounds it and that gave it access to the world.


Katti Osorio

Panama, 1521

Approximate boundaries of the city of Panama as royal decree of 6 th of September, 1521.

A single property: Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama (790bis) (Panamá)

A single property: Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama (790bis) (Panamá)

Related Reading: “State of Conservation Information System Update”, and “The Historic District of Panama and Criterion (vi) of Outstanding Universal Value”

Panama has five properties of Outstanding Universal Value

World Heritage Panamanian / Panamanian World Heritage

World Heritage Panamanian / Panamanian World Heritage

The Republic of Panama has to date, five properties considered of outstanding universal value; five assets whose value raised them to appear alongside such well-known world heritage sites such as the Pyramids of Egypt, the Parthenon, the ruins of Machu Pichu, la Muralla China, and many other assets covered by the World Heritage Convention of UNESCO. They belong to all mankind; Panamanians are contributions to the cultural and natural heritage around the world.

Panama has many treasures, but these in particular are exceptionally important global:

  1. Reserves of the Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park (enrolled in 1983);
  2. Coiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection (enrolled in 2005)
  3. Fortifications on the Caribbean coast of Panama: Portobelo and San Lorenzo (enrolled in 1980)
  4. Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama (Casco Antiguo; 1997 and 2003)
  5. Darien National Park (1981)

You can see your location according to the numbering of 1 until 5 this list, in the figure that accompanies this note.

Most Panamanian World Heritage properties are natural sites: La Amistad National Park (Costa Rican park counterpart across the border; Reserves property Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park, is a transnational ownership shared with Costa Rica), Coiba National Park (former penal island of Coiba), and Darien National Park (part of the Darien Gap). Panama has two cultural properties on the World Heritage List: Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama (Casco Antiguo); and Fortifications on the Caribbean coast of Panama: Portobelo and San Lorenzo, currently on the List of World Heritage in Danger because of its state of disrepair and risk for various factors both natural and human action.

Retrospective Statement of Outstanding Universal Value to the Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama (UNOFFICIAL translation)

In order to facilitate understanding of the text Retrospective Statement of Outstanding Universal Value approved by the World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for the Panamanian property inscribed on the World Heritage List under entry number 790bis, “Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama” (the name Historic District refers to the Casco Antiguo of Panama City), I provide you with an UNOFFICIAL translation.

The original text in English, is of free public access and may be consulted at both the State Information System of the World Heritage Centre of UNESCO (, and it is also available on the direct link Documento WHC-13/37.COM/8E.ADD (on the pages 2 to 4)


Property / Bien

Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama

State Party / Etat partie


Id. N°/ Id. N°


Date of Inscription / Date d’inscription

1997 – 2003

Brief synthesis

Panama Panamá, on the continuously occupied European settlement in the Pacific Coast of the Americas, was founded in 1519, as a consequence of the discovery by the Spanish of the South Sea in 1513. The archaeological remains of the original settlement (known today as The Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo) are the Pre-Columbian vestiges of the Cuevan aboriginal occupation of the same name, and currently encompass a protected heritage site covering 32 hectares. The settlement was a first rank colonial outpost, and seat of a Royal Court of Justice (Real Audiencia) during the 16th and 17th centuries, when Panamá consolidated its position as an intercontinental hub. Its growth in importance, since it profited from the imperial bullion lifeline, is reflected by the imposing stone architecture of its public and religious buildings.

During its 152 years of existence, the town was affected by slave rebellion, fire and an earthquake, but it was destroyed in the wake of a devastating pirate attack in 1671. Since it was relocated and never rebuilt, Panamá Viejo retained its original layout, a slightly irregular, somewhat rudimentary grid with, blocks of various sizes. There is archaeological evidence of the original street pattern and the location of domestic, religious and civil structures. The site is exceptional testimony of colonial colonial, the ruins of its cathedral, convents and public buildings showcase unique technological and stylistic characteristics of its temporal and cultural context. It also offers invaluable information on a variety of aspects of social life, economy, communications and the vulnerability of a strategic site within the geopolitical dynamics at the height of Spanish imperial Spanish.

In 1673 the city was moved some 7,5 km southeast, to a small peninsula, at the foot of Ancón Hill, closer to the islands that were used as the port and near the mouth of a river that eventually became the entrance of the Panama Canal. The relocated town, known today as Casco Antiguo or the Historic District or Panama, not only had better access to fresh water, but could be fortified. The military engineers, moreover, took advantage of the morphological conditions that complemented the wall surrounding the peninsula, all of which prevented direct naval approaches by an enemy. The area within the walls had an orthogonal layout, with a central plaza and streets of different widths; outside the walls, the suburb of Santa Ana had an irregular layout. There is a centrally- located, main plaza (which was enlarged in the 19th century) and several smaller post-colonial plazas on the fringes. Most of the seaward walls of the colonial fortifications and parts of the landward bastions and moat, survive. Several buildings within the District are identified as important for the country’s 17th-20th century heritage. Most outstanding are the churches, above all the cathedral with its five aisles and timber roof, San Felipe Neri, San José, San Francisco and especially La Merced, with its well-preserved colonial timber roof. The Presidential Palace, originally built in the late 17th century and partially reconstructed in the 18th, and early 20th centuries, is a revealing example of the transformations that characterize the Historic District as a whole. The House of the Municipality, the Canal Museum building (originally the Grand Hotel), The National Theatre, the Ministry of Government and Justice and the Municipal Palace are outstanding buildings of a more recent period. There are several exceptional examples of domestic architecture from the colonial period, above all the mid-18th century Casa Góngora, and also several hundred houses from the mid-19th to the early 20th centuries that illustrate the transformation of living concepts from the colonial period to modern times. These include not only upper-class houses from the entire period, but also 2- to 5-floor apartment houses 2 to 5 and wooden tenement buildings from the early 20th century, erected to satisfy the requirements of a more stratified urban society.

Particularly relevant is Salón Bolivar, originally the Chapter Hall of the convent of San Francisco, which is the only surviving part and Salón 17th-18th century complex. The Salón Bolivar has special historical importance as the site ofthe visionary, but abortive attempt by Simón Bolívar in 1826 to establish what would have been the world’s first multinational and continental the world.

The present-day appearance of the Historic District is marked by a unique blend of 19th- and early 20th century architecture inspired in late colonial, Caribbean, the Coast, French and eclectic (mostly NeoRenaissance). styles. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, building styles evolved significantly, but spatial principles were fundamentally preserved. The Historic District’s layout, a complex grid with streets and blocks of different widths and sizes and remaining inspired in late Renaissance treatises, is an exceptional and probably unique example colonial colonial town planning in the Americas. These special qualities which differentiate the Property from other colonial cities in Latin America and the Caribbean, resulted from the construction, first of a railroad (1850-1855) and then a canal (1880-1914), that linked the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The construction of the canal, a landmark in the history of the Americas and the world, had a tangible effect on the development and Salón Casco Antiguo and its surrounding area.

Criterion (ii)

Panamá Viejo is an exceptional testimony of town planning of its period and culture. It exhibits an important interchange of of human values, since it bore great influence on subsequent developments in colonial Spanish colonial expansion, even in areas vastly different in climate and setting. The Historic District’s District reflects the persistence and interchange of human values, which have been oriented towards interoceanic and intercontinentalcommunications for several centuries at this strategic site on the Central American Isthmus.

Criterion (iv)

In both Panamá Viejo and the Historic District (Casco Antiguo), the and multiple-family types from the 16th to the 18th centuries, represent a significant stage in the development of Spanish colonial expansion whole. Panamá Viejo is an an exceptional example of the period's building technology and architecture. In the Historic District, the multiple-family houses from the 19th and early 20th (centuries) are original examples of how society reacted to new requirements, technological developments and influences brought about by post-colonial society-and the building of the Panamá.

Criterion (vi)

The ruins of Panamá Viejo are closely linked to on the European discovery of the Pacific Ocean, the history of Spanish expansion in the Isthmus of Central America and in Andean South America, the African diaspora, the history of piracy and proxy war, the bullion lifeline to Europe, the spread of European culture in the region and the commerce network between the Americas and Europe. The Salón Bolivar is associated with Simón Bolívar's visionary attempt in 1826 to establish a multinational congress in the Americas, preceding the Organization of American States and the United Nations.

Statement of Authenticity

The conditions of authenticity of both components of the PropertyThe Archaeological Site of Panamá Viejo and Casco Antiguo of Panamá”have been maintained. Upon abandonment, the core area of Panamá Viejo was never rebuilt and retained its original street layout. No reconstructions of archaeological remains have been carried out and all conservation and intervention work amongst the ruins has been done in accordance with international standards. Within the boundaries of the protected heritage area there are a few modern structures, but these are clearly identified and differentiated from the archaeological remains.

The urban layout of the Historic District of Panama Panamá can considered to be entirely authentic, preserving its original form largely unchanged. The organically developed stock of buildings from the 18th the 20th century have changed little over time. Most of the fabric buildings and fortifications, as well as the public spaces, is original. There is evidence that dressed stone and other building materials from the ruins of the Archaeological Site of Panamá Viejo Viejo were quarried and recycled to help rebuild the relocated settlement, and for the construction of buildings and fortifications and Salón Casco Antiguo, thus providing a measure of material continuity between the two components of the Property. In some well documented cases such, as La Merced, entire church facades were reconstructed on the new site.

The property has maintained the street layout, structural volumetry and the urban scale. Many streets retain the brick paving characteristic of the early years of the 20th century. Although a certain level of gentrification has has taken place, the traditional use has been largely preserved, with a mixture of residential, commercial, institutional and religious activities coexisting with non-traditional touristic and entertainment uses. Since the modern habilitation of interior spaces of buildings can potentially compromise the essence of the site by replacing traditional structural systems with modern structural materials, clear guidelines need to be enforced in the implementation restoration and rehabilitation projects for historic buildings.

Statement of Integrity

Both components of the Property meet the conditions of integrity. As a Pre-Columbian and Historic Archaeological Site with both historic ruins and stratified contexts, Panamá Viejo includes all the elements necessary to convey the Outstanding Universal Value for which this component was included as an extension of the Historic District and Salón Casco Antiguo original Bolívar. The size of protected area is consistent with the distribution of the relevant physical attributes, constituting a coherent and clearly defined whole. In 2012, the Via Cincuentenario was relocated from the core area of the site, generating a new border that will contain growth from the neighbouring communities. With the implementation of zoning regulations (Ministry of Housing Zoning Regulation of 2006) and a National Law (2007), a land and marine buffer zone that regulates the development of the neighboring communities and the waterfront has been established to control erosion of its borders.

The Historic District maintains, within its boundaries and those of the locally-protected adjacent area, sufficient representation of all the attributes that convey Outstanding Universal Value, particularly the urban layout, the dimension and distribution of ground plots, the remaining colonial fortifications and non-residential buildings of monumental value. A great variety of residential building typologies is also present. In almost all cases, the volumetry, rhythm of facade openings and long open, spaces have withstood the substantial number of comprehensive interventions interventions that have taken place since inscription in 1997, most of which have adapted the inner distributions of houses and open spaces within the plots to current requisites of privacy and safety.

Developmentand significant conservation challenges are the most critical aspect threatening the integrity Casco Antiguo. To address threats, the legislative and regulatory framework needs to be enforced and comprehensive interventions implemented, to reverse lack of maintenance of historic buildings.

Requirements for protection and management

The Property has various legislative and regulatory measures to ensure their protection and conservation. The original definition conservation standards areas of protection heritage back to 1976 (Law 91/1976). This law recognizes y define legally culture and heritage Law. It supplemented Law National Heritage of 1982 (Law 14/1982), I think the Directorate National Heritage (District), as part of the Institute National Culture and became entity State responsible for protection and managing Panamá Viejo and the Historic District. A Commission Also Advisory was created by this law. The Heritage Act establishes penalties administrative for destruction of the assets; the fines quintupled through a law 2003 (Law 58/2003). On the other hand, the Code Penal was modified in 2007 to include sanctions imprisonment for destruction criminal of heritage properties (Law 14/2007).

Each component of the property has been provided with a management framework in response to its peculiarities within the geopolitical town city Panamá and realities State administrative centralized. While Panamá Viejo is an an archaeological park of uninhabited public lands, surrounded by settlements unregulated working class, Historic District Live is an urban center with a mixture of functions residential and institutional presented challenges social and of associated conservation to processes of reoccupation and use of private and public property.

The management function Institute National Culture about sites protected historical has been supplemented and enhanced by philanthropy private sector Technical Resources and administrative other state institutions. In the case of Panamá Viejo, on the Patronage Panamá Viejo, nonprofit organization The lucro, public-private mixed with a legal mandate to manage the central government subsidies and lift their own funds, supports site maintenance, preservation architectural and research projects.

In Case historic district of Panama, a law of 1997 (Decree-Law 9/1997) sets specific guidelines for interventions architectural and protection extended an area adjacent. Also, provided a number of incentives fiscal restoration projects and reinforced paper Advisory Commission for the process of project approval property is more efficient and transparent. Regulations were approved Detailed mas (Decree Executive 51/2004), with orientations including zoning and infrastructure aspects, and was provided a manual conservation, with specific recommendations for interventions architectural and new construction. Functions protection and management Institute National Culture is supplemented creating new public body agency: the Office Hull Old (OCA), that developed a Plan the Maestro assumed the role of coordination agency. A land and marine established around peninsula where is Historic District. Building Permits and occupation and the taxation corresponding remain the responsibility municipal authorities elected, however, the approval of plans architectural and documents to projects located in the Historic District remain the responsibility exclusive the Directorate National Heritage. The formulation, application and periodic review of a Plan Heritage Management integral is required to ensure that conservation and managing both components occurs within scheme coordinated.

———End UNOFFICIAL translation———

The following figure, drawn on a map of Google Maps by the author of this blog, property shows “Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama”, where the Old Town Historic District is. While both components are separated about eight kilometers, constitute a single property.

A single property: Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama (790bis) (Panamá)

A single property: Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama (790bis) (Panamá)


Thanks to the transparency policies of UNESCO and its World Heritage Centre, all documents cited in this article of the Blog, Patrimonio Panamá are public information of open access for all around the world from UNESCO websites, and by means of the State of Conservation Information System (SOC), open to the public from 2012 (Click here to see related news: