Session 42 COM UNESCO Committee of World Heritage in Manama, Bahrain, 2018

Panamanian tribes

Auditorium in Session 42 How the World Heritage Committee 2018 in Manama, Bahrain.

Auditorium in Session 42 How the World Heritage Committee 2018 in Manama, Bahrain.

Dear Friends of Patrimonio Panamá:

Us accompany Session of the World Heritage Committee 2018!

The World Heritage Committee meets this year in the city of Manama, Bahrain, and Salón 24 de junio al 4 July. Chaired the session 42 COM Ms. Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa. The inauguration was attended by the Director General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, and the Director General for Culture, Ernesto Ottone-Ramirez. Its activities, the Committee will consider the State of Conservation (SOC, for its acronym in English) of 157 sites.

The Committee will decide on add or delete sites from the List of World Heritage in Danger (Red list), and decide on the inclusion or rejection of new sites to the prestigious World Heritage List.

NOTE: While the World Heritage Committee requested updated status reports Panama conservation “Coiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection” and “Fortifications on the Caribbean coast of Panama: Portobelo and San Lorenzo”, Reports conservation status of these properties are not on the list to be discussed by the plenary, but they would be classified to be approved without debate. This may change during session 42 COM, 2018.

This is the official site of the Session 42 Com World Heritage Committee by the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain:, where you can see details of the location of the event and related events, as the Forum of Young Professionals World Heritage, or Managers Forum World Heritage Sites.

We can follow live debates of the annual session of the World Heritage Committee in Manama, Bahrain button link:

[button link=”” color=”teal” newwindow=”yes”]Session of the World Heritage Committee in Manama, Bahrain, 2018[/button]

The languages ​​available in simultaneous translation during transmission are English, French, and Arabic. “Floor” It refers to the transmission without translation, where any language will be heard on the speakers are directed to the room.

Time Bahrain: AST (Arabia Standard Time) UTC/GMT +3 hours. Son 8 hours more than when Panama.

Calendar: Click here provisional timetable for (pdf).

Panama in Session 42 COM World Heritage Committee

In Session 42 COM two of the five properties will be addressed Panamanian registered in the World Heritage List: “Coiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection”; and the “Fortifications on the Caribbean coast of Panama: Portobelo and San Lorenzo”.

Coiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection:

It was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in 2005. It is a place of great natural beauty. On the World Heritage List we can read about their outstanding universal value this summary:

“Coiba National Park, located off the southwest coast of Panama, in the Gulf of Chiriqui, protects Coiba Island and other 38 islands and smaller islands, as well as the surrounding marine areas. Protected against cold winds and El Niño, the tropical rainforest of Coiba is a place of formation of new species, as evidenced by the high level of endemism of many of its mammals, birds and plants. Last refuge for several endangered species such as the harpy eagle, This site is an outstanding natural laboratory for scientific research and a key ecological link to the Tropical Eastern Pacific for the transit and survival of pelagic fish and marine mammals.” (Source: UNESCO)

In 2017, the World Heritage Committee through its Decision 41 COM 7B.17 welcomed the progress made by the State party in the removal of wild cattle from Coiba Island and the introduction of amendments to ensure legislation prohibiting continue in force development (Apart from low-impact infrastructure for ecotourism and scientific research). Similarly, the Committee noted that it is expected that the information that measures to operationalize the Fund Coiba be completed by mid 2017 and he urged the Panamanian government to meet this deadline.

In the same decision, the Committee requested the Government of Panama to submit a State of Conservation Report on Coiba submitted to the World Heritage Center until 1 February 2018 to solve and apply the following points:

  • End before 1 February 2018 the development of a Public Use Plan (PUP) for Coiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection and submit it to the World Heritage Center for review by IUCN, as part of the updated report on the state of conservation of the property; This PUP clearly improve the visitor experience to the island without expanding the space occupied by the existing infrastructure, establish and develop a biosecurity plan.
  • Implement as a matter of priority the implementation of the Committee's requests relating to the management and control of fisheries, to reason he has watched with growing concern the conclusions of the reactive monitoring mission of IUCN 2016, that although the land component of the property appears to be well preserved and gradually decline previously identified threats, managing their marine component continues to face significant challenges, with decreases reported for some key marine values, and with little progress reported.
  • Report on the full implementation of all recommendations of the IUCN mission 2014 and 2016;
  • Review the draft regulations for the Special Zone of Marine Protection (SZMP) to ensure that such activities as industrial fishing is not permitted within the property, and to submit the draft revised rules for SZMP to the World Heritage Center for review by IUCN. This a reason to observe with great concern that the draft in question includes provisions for types of activities that would be incompatible with World Heritage status of the property, particularly the aforementioned industrial fishing;

Without these requests, In the absence of substantial progress in protecting the property of unsustainable fisheries, the World Heritage Committee consider the possible inscription of the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

Conservation Status (SOC) Coiba and Draft Decision 42 COM 7B.87 can be here. The SOC can be seen together with the Draft Decision on the page 179-182 and Salón PDF Document, here.

In this analysis and Draft Decision 42 COM 7B.87 that follows, fulfilling the required conditions just review verified.

This is neat Draft Decision, and therefore we reproduce here with a translation UNOFFICIAL:

Draft Decision 42 COM 7B.87

The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined WHC / 18 / 42.COM / 7B,
  2. Recalling la Decisión 41 COM 7B.17, adopted at its 41st Session (Cracovia, 2017),
  3. Welcomes the continued progress made by the State party in the removal of wild cattle from Coiba Island, and solicita the State party establish a monitoring program to confirm the successful long-term elimination of wild cattle on the island;
  4. Notes with grave concern the Public Use Plan (PUP) It provides for the expansion of existing infrastructure and the possible negative impacts on the Outstanding Universal Value (VIEW) property have not been adequately taken into account in developing the plan and, Thus, urges the State party to :
    to) PUP suspend implementation until complete and submit an assessment of the possible negative impacts of its provisions on property VUE, based on rigorous scientific data, before 1 December 2019 the World Heritage Center for review by IUCN,
    b) Ensure that they develop a Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for airport infrastructure project, in line with the advice note World Heritage IUCN Environmental Assessments, and filed before 1 December 2019 the World Heritage Center for review by IUCN Center before starting work on the project,
    c) Establish a comprehensive program to monitor the impacts of tourism on the property to inform the development of any future plan and program related to tourism;
  5. Also notes of fisheries regulations revised for the Special Zone of Marine Protection (SZMP) of the property, but also notes with grave concern it is unclear how these regulations would ensure long-term preservation VUE property, and also urges the State party to:
    to) Further review regulations for SZMP in line with previous requests from the Committee to establish unequivocal no take zones and seasonal closures of critical areas, to ensure that they are aligned with existing regulations for Coiba National Park and ensure the preservation of the property VUE,
    b) Ensure the provision of adequate resources for the effective implementation of fishing regulations throughout the property,
    c) Establish a monitoring system to assess progress with the establishment and enforcement of regulations within the marine component of the property, as recommended by reactive monitoring missions 2014 and 2016;
  6. Recuerda the conclusion of the mission 2016 that if the problems relating to fisheries management within the property can not be resolved by the end of 2018 so that the long-term preservation of VUE in marine portion of the property is guaranteed, consideration should be given to the inscription of the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger during 43 Sign in 2019;
  7. also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Center, before 1 February 2019, an update on the state of conservation of the property report and the implementation of the above, for consideration by the World Heritage Committee at its 43rd session 2019, with a view to considering, In the absence of substantial progress in protecting the property of unsustainable fisheries, the possible inscription of the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

Fortifications on the Caribbean coast of Panama: Portobelo and San Lorenzo:

It was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in 1980. It is a bay surrounded by fortifications of the Spanish colonial period, that once they protected the transport across the Isthmus of Panama of great wealth. On the World Heritage List we can read about their outstanding universal value this summary:

“These strong Panamanians are great prototypes of military architecture of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and to provide protection to transatlantic trade. Splendid examples of military architecture of the XVII and XVIII, these forts on the Caribbean coast of Panama were part of the defensive system created by the Crown of Spain to protect transatlantic trade.” (Source: UNESCO)

In 2017, the World Heritage Committee through its Decision 41 COM 7B.17 He retained on the List of World Heritage in Danger to this world heritage site for its fragile condition. The Committee welcomed news of the commitment of the institutions responsible for the conservation and management of the property and its efforts to strengthen cooperation and interagency coordination, and he expressed concern about the lack of regular government funding. He said that this lack of funding jeopardizes the implementation of the Emergency Plan and the planned corrective measures 2016-2019, what, as a consequence, It can seriously affect the outstanding universal value (VIEW) of the property and its attributes that justify its existence, including conditions of authenticity and integrity. Based on the above, the Committee requested the Government of Panama to submit a State of Conservation Report on the fortifications of Portobelo and San Lorenzo to resolve the following points:

  • Continuously ensure the government budget funds necessary for the full implementation of the strategy, the work plan and schedule 2016-2019 in order to achieve the desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR) in the year 2019;
  • Prepare a status report updated Conservation and deliver it to the World Heritage Center, before 1 February 2018, detailing the conditions of Portobelo and San Lorenzo and solcitudes implementation of the World Heritage Committee, for consideration by it at its 42nd session 2018.

Panama through its responsible institution the National Institute of Culture, and the Patronato of Portobelo and San Lorenzo sent the requested report, which it is freely available on the website of UNESCO, here: Report SOC of Panama Fortifications on the Caribbean Coast of Panama: Portobelo and San Lorenzo (PDF public).

ICOMOS, advisory body to the World Heritage Committee, He analyzed the documents provided by Panama and other sources. Conservation Status (SOC) produced by ICOMOS on the fortifications of Portobelo and San Lorenzo and Draft Decision 42 COM 7A.10 can be here. This SOC can be prepared with the decision of the Committee for discussion on page Draft 29-32 and Salón working paper in English, PDF format, here.

In the working documents 2018 and in the Draft Decision 42 COM 7A.10 prepared for the Committee, It emphasizes the importance of meeting the timetable set for Remedial strengths in Portobelo and San Lorenzo for the period 2016-2019; This pressure is mainly due to physical deterioration of the strengths, and environmental pressures and their environment. ICOMOS recommends as an advisory body to the Committee welcome the opportunity for the National Institute of Culture to receive funds through a loan from the Inter-American Development Bank amounting to 45,000,000.00 USD, While noting that the loan does not cover all activities of Corrective Measures. Also note that the same loan allocates funds to the development of major infrastructure projects and tourism facilities, pressure and stresses that tourism is one of the factors affecting this heritage.

It is precisely because of the situation of fragility and risk of loss of integrity and thereby authenticity of this world heritage has become inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger. Why ICOMOS analysis indicates that time is running out to meet the timetable of corrective measures (designed to achieve the output of the Danger List or Red List); and although positively ponders the opportunity of funds from the Inter-American Development Bank (BID), also it notes that these do not cover all the requirements of that calendar. En la Draft Decision 42 COM 7A.10 It expressed appreciation for the opportunity to obtain funds from the IDB for “Fortifications on the Caribbean Coast of Panama: Portobelo and San Lorenzo”, It emphasizes the urgent need to give greater priority to compliance with the corrective actions for infrastructure and tourism facilities, and is retained property on the List of World Heritage in Danger. Again the updated annual report Conservation Status requested in this Decision Draft, it would be delivered to the World Heritage Center until 1 February 2019.

Then, An unofficial translation of the Draft Decision 42 COM 7A.10.

Draft Decision: 42 COM 7A.10

The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined WHC / 18 / 42.COM / 7A,
  2. Recalling la Decisión 41 COM 7A.25, adopted at its 41st Session (Cracovia, 2017),
  3. Lamenta the implementation of the corrective measures has been delayed due to lack of proper allocation of funds, as a result of which the property is at risk of losing important attributes and its outstanding universal value (VIEW);
  4. Welcomes the funding opportunity offered by the Inter-American Development Bank for the conservation and management of cultural heritage which includes a main component for interventions on World Heritage properties;
  5. Notes that the revised schedule proposed by the State party for the implementation of corrective action program confirms the end of June 2019, and urges it to ensure that this program is fully implemented, and that due attention to the definition and protection of buffer zones and preparing a comprehensive management plan lends, which should prioritize conservation programs and a plan for sustainable public use;
  6. Asks the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Center, before 1 February 2019, the management plan finalized for consideration by the advisory bodies and an update on the state of conservation of the property and the implementation of the previous report, for consideration by the World Heritage Committee at its 43rd session 2019;
  7. Decide Fortifications retain the Caribbean Panama: Portobelo-San Lorenzo (Panamá) en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial en Peligro.

Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama:

Panama's government must provide documentation on the property “Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama” in December 2018 at the headquarters of the World Heritage Center (París, Francia). The information requested by the Committee through its Decision No.41 COM 7B.63, for evaluation by the Advisory Bodies, It consists designs restoration project Hotel Casco Viejo the old Club Union, With studies on vehicular access, waste management and other relevant aspects. The aim is to assess the impacts of the project on the World Heritage with advice from the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) in Session 43 HOW World Heritage Committee 2019.

NOTE: The “Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and Historic District of Panama” still under the effects of Decision 37COM 7B.100, reacting to project completion Cinta Costera road infrastructure Phase III, specifically its marine viaduct, surrounding the peninsula of the Old Town of Panama creating a barrier between the Old Town of Panama (Casco Antiguo) and its immediate surroundings. The Decision 37COM 7B.100 indicates that the Cinta Costera Phase III (Maritime Viaduct) “irreversibly modifies the relationship of the historic center with its wider environment”. With that, the site can not access the List of World Heritage in Danger, one of whose registration requirements is that the impact on the universal value of World Heritage is reversible. For this reason, It is an option to modify this World Heritage Site with a change of important limits, whose extension allows re-evaluate the definition on it its outstanding universal value as mitigation of marine viaduct. For this purpose has submitted a new nomination to the World Heritage List 2019 for evaluation in Session 43 COM World Heritage Committee. It will not be discussed in the session that concerns us.

Reserves of the Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park:

It was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in 1983 and expanded in 1990. It is a natural heritage shared by two countries: Costa Rica and Panama. On the World Heritage List we can read about their outstanding universal value this summary:

“The geographical location of this unique site in Central America, which retains traces of the glaciations of the Age Cuaternaria- has facilitated contact between the flora and fauna of North America and South America. Most of the surface of this region, inhabited by four different tribes, It is covered by tropical rainforests. Conservation of the site is the subject of close cooperation between Costa Rica and Panama.”

As far as we know, no request for documentation regarding the “Reserves of the Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves / La Amistad National Park” for Session 42 COM 2018.

Yes information for analysis requested by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) to be delivered to February 1 2018, but it will not be discussed by the Committee. Information, requested by Decision 41 COM 7B.13, It is the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA, for its acronym in English) finished the 2018 and applied to the property with Panama's commitment not to approve any new hydropower project on the environment PILE. SEA results must be submitted to the World Heritage Center in Paris, France for analysis by IUCN, as mentioned, until 1 February 2018.

In 2017 mediante la Decision 41 COM 7B.13, the World Heritage Committee emphasized the following:

  • Commitment Cosa Rica and Panama as States Parties, finalizing the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the entire property 2018, the results should be analyzed by IUCN;
  • State party's commitment Panama not to approve new hydroelectric projects in the vicinity of the property until the SEA is available;
  • Information provided by the State Party of Panama that the contract for the construction of the Changuinola II dam has been canceled and further requests the State Party of Panama to confirm this decision once it officially enters into force after the necessary procedures, and to clarify whether the cancellation of this contract means that plans for the Changuinola II hydroelectric project will be definitely abandoned;
  • Potential inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger: The World Heritage Committee indicated that any development of new hydroelectric projects before completion and proper review of the SEA for the entire property would represent a danger to its Outstanding Universal Value (VIEW) in accordance with paragraph 180 of the Operational Guidelines and lead to their inclusion on the List of World Heritage in Danger;
  • Request Panama to continue monitoring the activities of dams Chan 75 and Bonyic, whose findings should be considered in the above mentioned SAE and cumulative impact assessment, and establish long-term monitoring program for these two projects to assess the effectiveness of mitigation measures;
  • Request to States Parties of Costa Rica and Panama to submit to the World Heritage Center, before 1 December 2018, an update on the state of conservation of the property report and the implementation of the above, for consideration by the World Heritage Committee at its 43rd session 2019.

Darien National Park:

As far as we know, no request for documentation regarding the “Darien National Park” for Session 42 COM 2018.


Katti Osorio, Ph.D.

World Heritage Panamanian / Panamanian World Heritage

World Heritage Panamanian / Panamanian World Heritage

Update: Third Day Session 42 COM (Tuesday 26 June)

As expected, the Draft Decision 42 COM 7A.10 “Fortifications on the Caribbean Coast of Panama: Portobelo and San Lorenzo” It was approved without discussion by the World Heritage Committee, becoming the Decision 42 COM 7A.10. The full text translated into Spanish unofficially is on this blog, here.
Video Session 42 COM at the time of approval without debate of the draft decisions for the Latin America and Caribbean, down, It is in English. Starts the minute 3:21:14.

Update: Fifth Day Session 42 COM (jueves 28 June)

As expected, the Draft Decision 42 COM 7B.87 “Coiba National Park and its Special Zone of Marine Protection” It was approved without discussion by the World Heritage Committee, becoming the Decision 42 COM 7B.87. The full text translated into Spanish unofficially is on this blog, here.
Video Session 42 COM at the time of approval without debate of the draft decisions for the Latin America and Caribbean, down, It is in English. Starts the minute 5:41:51.

Portobelo and San Lorenzo, World Heritage in Danger (SOC by the State party) and Management Plan

Friends and Friends of Heritage Panama:

Thanks to Information System of the State of Conservation (SOC) enabled by the World Heritage Centre of UNESCO, of free access to all around the world, les traigo this update published this month of February 2014. This is a PDF file with the English summary of the report submitted by the State Conservation Panama, Portobelo and San Lorenzo on. It is thanks to the policies of public access to information from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), we can have secondary access to this national information about our world heritage sites.

This report was generated by the Panamanian authorities under their own responsibility and point of view, and is a separate and distinct report to Report Information System State of Conservation of the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS.

Here is the link: Dale click aquí, comes at the end of tabla, next to the boxes marked “2014 / SOC Report by State Party” & click, “Summary of the State of conservation report by the State Party / Summary Report of the State party on the state of conservation (29/01/2014)”. It is a four-page summary, one formato PDF, in English.

Portobelo. Fort Santiago de la Gloria (Photo of the Author)

Portobelo. Fort Santiago de la Gloria (Photo of the Author)


In a “abstract” and Salón “Summary Conservation Status Report”, the list as a PDF file in the List of World Heritage, the following fortifications: 1 – The fortifications of San Fernando: Low battery, superior battery, and strong house on the hilltop, 2 – Battery Fuerte San Jerónimo; 3 – Fortifications of Santiago: Castle of Santiago de la Gloria, Casa Fuerte battery and on top of the hill;. 4 – Former Fort Santiago; 5 – Fort Ruins Farnese; 6 – Site of the Trench; 7 – The site of San Cristobal; and finally, Castle of San Lorenzo El Real de Chagre and superior battery as separate structure, ambos a 43 km away from Portobelo, at the mouth of the Chagres River.

The report says the Panamanian authorities as elements that have adversely affected the property (Portobelo and San Lorenzo):

  • Very bad weather, with a pattern of high temperatures and lots of rain, materials that eroded monuments.
  • Ground instability in the hillsides around Portobelo; Quote landslides that occurred in the year 2010.
  • Changes in the slope of the slopes caused by the construction of the access road to Portobelo in the early 1970, and accumulation of water caused by the change thus produced the natural drainage of the hills.
  • Increased level of sea water due to sedimentation, causing loss of beaches and affecting water coming monuments.
  • Urban sprawl in Portobelo, including illegal constructions on the ruins and its immediate perimeter.
  • Panamanian authorities noted that the strongest risks related to climate, suggesting that these factors exacerbate risks caused by man (anthropogenic), as urban sprawl, Water pollution, illegal construction and conservation management incipient.

    Titled, “Proposed mitigation measures”, the existence of an Emergency Plan mentioned, based on which an intervention strategy is set, where major mitigation measures are (translate verbatim the points 1 until 11):

    1) Strengthen the maintenance work carried out by the Board Portobelo and San Lorenzo, adapting its budget to the scale of the necessary intevenciones.

    2) Controlling urban pressure on the strengths of Portobelo, redefining buffer zones and land uses allowed (residential, commercial, parking, etc.) near structures.

    3) Solve built environment pollution, as well as water pollution by solid waste, via a drainage system integrated. Required to build public health facilities within existing buildings, the scale of the city, all connected to the sewer.

    4) Weed control and extermination and removal of all vegetation roots of invasive.

    5) Remove all additions built with concrete, and replace them with traditional materials.

    6) Waterproofing work on all ceilings, parapet walls, and any other structural elements to prevent the penetration of rain water and intensification of the deterioration of buildings and ruins.

    7) Protection waterproofed surfaces, to allow pedestrian uses.

    8) Repair and maintenance of drainage channels of water in and out of the strengths, to allow free flow of rainwater into the sea.

    9) Repair rainwater tanks inside the strengths and installation of submersible pumps to discharge water directly into the sea or existing water channels, avoiding unnecessary water pressure on the outside walls and foundations.

    10) Complete selective restoration of a limited number of strengths in order to determine actual costs of conservation and establish final standards for finishes and structural treatment to be followed in all future preservation work in Portobelo and San Lorenzo. Cal, wood, stone, brick, etc.. shall be procured locally as much as possible. The extracted material must also be reused when possible.

    11) The second phase trabajo conservation will focus on rehabilitation for tourist purposes, Cultural Studies, educational workshops, etc.. in view of sustainable management and maintenance.

    Titled, “Monitoring”, Panamanian authorities say the main action carried out during the year 2013 It was a slope stabilization project in the adjacent fortifications of Santiago that were affected by landslides in December hill 2010. This project was monitored by the “Technical Unit of the Office of Casco Antiguo”, in charge of monitoring the Management Plan for World Heritage Sites in Panama. The Management Plan was adopted by Resolution No. 186 DNPH (this means, which is a resolution, the National Institute of Culture through its National Heritage – DNPH), published in the Official Gazette No. 27387 of 3 October 2013. The abstract ends, indicating that the file monitoring presented below (in the full document, that is the internet) is presented in the format established by the Management Plan.

      ***End Summary Summary ***


    For information on all of you, Resolution No. facilitated them. 186 DNPH de 2013 (Dé click aquí), and inserted in the Official Gazette No. 27387 of 3 October 2013 (Dé click aquí).

    Although the title of the Resolution reads, “Whereby the management plan of UNESCO sites approves Panama”, only refers to two (2) of the five (5) Panamanian registry sites on the World Heritage List. The three natural World Heritage sites Panamanians still managed by the National Environmental Authority (The Centre), not by the National Heritage (DNPH) the National Institute of Culture (INAC). Means for, property consists of the Old Town of Panama and the Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo, and property consists of fortifications in Portobelo and San Lorenzo.

    World Heritage Panamanian / Panamanian World Heritage

    World Heritage Panamanian / Panamanian World Heritage

    This plan is outlined in a simple resolution, elaborada for the DNPH. It consists of five paragraphs and three resolved, in the first of which consists of a list of 20 plan objectives.

    The second pre-determined points to existing authorities to Resolution, somehow that will support compliance objectives listed in the first resolved.

    It is very striking that the second does not mention resolved Patronage Portobelo San Lorenzo, nor the Patronato Panama Viejo, currently managing the respective sites present on the board INAC, everyone.

    The third resolved signals the start date of the plan. It ends with the legal basis, which are the Constitution of the Republic of Panama (and general), and the basic laws of Panamanian heritage: Law 14 of 1982, Law 91 of 1976 and Executive Order 51 of 2004.

    It is interesting that the Manual of Standards and Procedures for Restoration and Rehabilitation of the Old Town of Panama City, is supported by the hierarchy of Decree Law No.. 51 of 2004, by which it approved the Policy and Procedures Manual, containing inserts in articles some institutional resolutions DNPH. Certainly, Historical Monumental Complex of Old Town Panama Panama is the only monument that has its own manual of this type.

    Give thanks to UNESCO for, whose transparency policies allow us access to this information publicly available both in Panama and abroad.


    Katti Osorio Ugarte

    The Report Information System State of Conservation of the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS, likely to be available in July 2014, will be generated jointly by the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS international reference material for the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO at its next meeting in mid- 2014. It will incorporate information provided by Panama in its report, reports and information and materials generated specifically for the case of international experts from UNESCO advisory bodies.

    These are the latest SOC, generated by the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS: State of Conservation (SOC), in English.